Page 89 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 89
brain frequency that allows us to create and invent? We have artifcial intelligence that is already able to paint to perfection and decipher faster and more accurately than any human being. The level of biohacking that people are now employing to maximize their cyborg status, is an indication that we are quite taken with the idea of linking up to external power - some ways of which involve the possibility of having neural networks injected into our veins.
In tagging or even chaining ourselves to tech, we assume that the real version of ‘us’ is still going to remain the same human being as always. This cannot be guaranteed - and what we lose may never again be able to be redeemed or replaced.
Elon Musk has described the exponential expansion of AI development as a fundamental existential risk to humanity. He has acknowledged that it ‘scares the hell’ out of him. However, Musk’s visionary ideas on the way to combat this potential threat to our existence, are not in fact to reconnect with our own power, but to join with AI in a way that allows us to extend our already cyborg-like status into one of an advanced cyborg version of ourselves.
A more hopeful view on this, to my mind, is one which directs us back to the truth of where our power lies - entirely within us.
The story of humankind’s search for power began in the Garden of Eden and still, we believe that power exists outside of us. But our power lies in the sacredness of our souls, in our compassion and love for each other. Our power is in our capacity to surrender to a Divine wisdom and it is this, above all that differentiates us from robots and AI.
Evolutionising the demise of our peripheral vision is happening on an exceptionally large scale, as evidenced by the felds I have measured in SA, UK, Europe and USA during the last 20 yrs. They show considerable distortion and toxicity in our functioning and a loss of connection to life. [see felds attached]. Our felds of vision are energetic emanations into this ‘feld of life’, intricately tied to our nervous systems and the anticipatory response system that for aeons has kept us on a forward evolutionary trajectory. These ‘eye maps’ are an immediate indicator of how light defcient we are, what state our ANS is in, how toxic our systems have become and how much depression and anxiety have impacted on our capacity to maintain close human connections.
Add to this the strange postural and physical digit positions we have adopted in order to bring our entire peripheral vision down to a mobile phone size 6cm circle of focus, and you may well assume that it is not only our eyes which will be pruned.
Dr Alan Schore, an American neuropsychologist questions - ‘How do minds and brains align with and shape other minds and brains?” The concerns and questions we should have for our communications with AI in