Page 91 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
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 reassessment of old beliefs and an awareness of where our power resides. Once you have seen something you cannot ‘un-see’ it, hence we expand the possibility for new thoughts and ways of being. And light allows us to align with symmetry once more. The journey this takes us on is one that guides us to look at where we have chosen to focus and how we may choose differently in the future.
Theoretical physicists Kaku and Freund say that more than half the accumulated wealth of our planet depends in some way on light -the electromagnetic force, and that all scientifc experiments are performed on the path of light beams. Is it then surprising to think that light should be capable of bringing healing to humanity and the world?
The fabric of space that once tied us together is fraying. If we lose connection with our place in the universe and with the light, then our compassion, care and love for each other will disappear. Our human hearts will change, and all that we have strived for, lived and died for, will be lost forever.
Further information:
Hadden, Denise [2010] New Light on Fields. Self-published, Cape Town.
Hadden, Denise [2013] Coaching the invisible Fields - A new way to reach your hidden potential with light and visual awareness. Self-published, Cape Town.
Sample, Ian [2013] Massive: The Hunt for the God Particle. Virgin Books
Carroll Sean [2013] The Particle at the End of the Universe. Dutton
Kaku, Michio [1995] Hyperspace: A Scientifc Odyssey Through Parallel Universes. Anchor Cox, Brian & Forshaw, Jeff [2013] [Quantum Universe: And why anything that can happen does. Da Capo Press
Dawkins, Richard [2000] Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, delusion and the appetite for wonder. First Mariner Books
Butler, Alan [2012] Intervention: How humanity from the future has changed its own past. Watkins
Hawking, Stephen & Mlodinow, Leonard [2012] The Grand Design. Bantam
Rosen, Judith [ Robert Rosen’s Anticipatory Systems Theory: The Art and Science of Thinking Ahead.
Rosen, Robert [1985] Anticipatory Systems: Philosophical, Mathematical and Methodological Foundations.
Nadin, Mihai [2003] Anticipation. Lars Muller Publishers
McFadden, John Joe [2002] Synchronous fring and its infuence on the brain’s electromagnetic feld theory of consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies 9[4]:23- 50[2002]
Robinson, Gene E & Barron, Andrew B [2017] Epigenetics and the evolution of instincts. Science 07 April 2017: Vol 356, Issue 6333, pp26-27
Ali Taheri, Mohammad & Mizani Mojdeh [2012] The Theory of ‘Consciousness Field’ and “Consciousness Immunity” in Faradarmani. World Conference on Psychology and Sociology 2012
Holmes, Rebecca [2019] Seeing the Quantum. Aeon Essay 24th April 2019 online newsletter. Williams, DL [2016] Light and the evolution of vision. Eye [2016] 30, 173-178. Macmillan Publishers

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