Page 7 - Kingsmill Current Fall Winter 2018
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kingsmill MAY 20-26 • 2019
vacations. NEW NAME.
(what!?) new energy!
Love coming to Kingsmill Resort, but hate leaving? It might be time to start Kingsmill Resort is excited to welcome Pure Silk
some long-term planning to buy a home at Kingsmill and extend the perks of as the title sponsor of the Pure Silk Championship
resort living to your everyday existence. on May 20-26, 2019. That’s when the top LPGA
players will gather for the 38th professional golf
Membership at The Club at Kingsmill makes it all possible, including tournament to be hosted on the resort’s famed
privileged use of golf, tennis, sports, spa, pools, dining and marina facilities. River Course.
All members also receive a 20% discount on food, beverage, merchandise
and spa. Our three most popular membership types are… “With the main events falling over Memorial Day
Weekend, we are anticipating a big spectactor
FULL GOLF MEMBERSHIP: turnout for the Pure Silk Championship,”
• Complete use of all Club facilities said John Hilker, Chief Operations Officer of
• Exclusive access to the Woods Golf Course Kingsmill Resort. “If you want to be part of it,
• Complimentary range balls I recommend booking your tickets and stay early.”
• Reserve tee & court times up to seven days in advance
• Never pay for green fees or tennis court time Don’t miss out on one moment of the action.
• Access to services at Kingsmill Spa Watch for event details and package sales at
• Use of Member Sports Club facilities
• Reserve tennis court times up to seven days in advance and never pay a fee
• Reserve tee times up to two days in advance for River and Plantation Courses
• Access to services at Kingsmill Spa
• Access to all Kingsmill restaurants
• Access to River Pool Complex
To discover all of the amazing benefits of club membership and start
planning for your future resort life, please visit