Page 112 - Course Catalog 2022-2023
P. 112

Technical Education

                                     INTERVENTION PROGRAMS

                                         Agriculture Career Exploration (A.C.E.)
                                         Career Based Intervention @ Gates Mills
                                           Career Based Intervention @ CEVEC

               All students have the ability to learn, to establish a career plan and carry out their career path to gain success in their
               lives. The intervention programs are designed to assist students who possess barriers to career and academic success
               to establish a career path by using work based learning experiences and gaining competencies to achieve a successful
               path to career options. The intervention instruction is designed to help students recover credits, get back on track
               academically and establish career goals. Based on student’s age, potential career desires and academic credits they
               will be referred to the appropriate intervention program by the student’s guidance counselor and/or principal.
               Online Courses Vary based on student.

               Agriculture Career Exploration (A.C.E.)            Career Based Intervention
               (Environmental Education Center)                   (Environmental Education Center)
               Grades 10-12                                       Grades 9-10
               ACE I                                              9  graders earn up to 7 Credits dependent upon
               ACE II                                               student performance (2 Lab, 1 Related, up to 4
               Prerequisite: Interview by Instructor and            Virtual Learning),10  graders earn up to 8 credits
                 recommended by Counselor and/or Administrator.     dependent upon student performance (2 Lab, 1
               Recommended For:  Technical Education                Related, up to 5 Virtual Learning)
               8 academic credits each year dependent upon        Prerequisite: Interview by Instructor and
                 individual student performance.                    recommended by Counselor and/or Administrator.
                                                                  Recommended For:  Technical Education
               This  program  offers  10   -  12   grade  students  an
               exploration  of  the  various  Agriculture  occupations   Career -Based  Intervention  (CBI)  is  a  Career
               with  emphasis  on  entry  level  job  skills. This  work-  Technical Education Program designed for students in
               study  program  is  designed  for  selected  students  to   grades 9-10 who have barriers to achieving academic
               explore  agriculture-related  careers  while  getting   and career success. The program is designed to help
               firsthand experience in the  world of  work. Students   students recover credits and improve academics.
               successfully  completing  various  job  shadow  sites
               throughout the school year will have the opportunity
               to  gain  paid  employment. While  learning  job  skills,
               students  will  also  gain  knowledge  in  the  areas  of:
               employability   skills,   positive   work   habits,
               communication  and  interpersonal  skills,  basic  floral
               design,  landscape  techniques,  plant  propagation  and
               care,  and  general  horticulture  skills.   Students  will
               have  the  opportunity  to  explore  post-secondary
               training in the area of agriculture by visiting Cuyahoga
               Community  College, and the Agricultural Technical
               Institute in Wooster. Students enrolling in the program
               become members of FFA, and have the opportunity to
               join  the  Ohio  Nurserymen  and  Landscapers
               Association and PLANET.

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