Page 36 - Course Catalog 2022-2023
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               history of the English language.  Much time is    enrolled in this course are required to take the
               given  to  the  improvement  of  student          A.P. exam in May.
               composition     through    expository    and
               persuasive  writing,  as  well  as  analytical    AP English Literature and
               essays.  The students’ vocabulary is enriched
               through  applied  literary  study,  emphasizing   Composition
               understanding  of  word  meanings  rather  than   Grade 12
               rote memorization of definitions.                 Course Number 169 or OPT169
                                                                 Full Year Course - 1 credit
                                                                 Prerequisite: Recommendation
               In addition, language study is targeted through   Estimated Fee:  A.P. P Exam fee (approximately
               the review of grammar, usage, and mechanics         $94.00)
               and  their  application  to  the  writing  process.    Recommended For:  College Bound
               This  is  a  college  preparatory  course.    The
               course  work  given  and  teacher  expectations   With recommendations from and the approval
               are commensurate with the pre-college level.      of the College Board, the Advanced
                                                                 Placement English Literature and
               English 4 is also offered in the Option           Composition course work models a college
               program and as a self-paced course.               composition class.

                                                                 The curriculum involves both the study and
               AP English Language and                           practice of writing and the study of literature.
                                                                 Composition study will encompass the modes
               Composition                                       of discourse, rhetorical strategies and
               Grade 11-12                                       argumentation, critical analysis of literature,
               Course Number 159                                 and exposition.  The study of literature will
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                       include a mix of world, English, and
               Prerequisite: Recommendation                      American literature.  Students enrolling in
               Estimated Fee: A.P. Exam fee (approximately $94.00)
               Recommended For:  College Bound                   this course are expected to take the AP exam
                                                                 in May.
               With recommendations from and the approval
               of the College Board, the Advanced Placement      AP English Literature is also offered in the
               English  Language  and  Composition  course       Option program.
               work models a college composition class.
                                                                 AP Seminar
                The curriculum concentrates on                   Grades 10-12
               argumentation: how to analyze the rhetoric        Course Number 197
               employed by writers and speakers, how to          Full Year Course - 1 credit
               construct successful arguments which              Prerequisite: Recommendation
               synthesize accredited sources, and how to         Estimated Fee:  A.P. Exam fee (approximately
               compose successful arguments that draw on         Recommended For:  College Bound
               personal knowledge and experiences.
               Promoting an awareness of current events and      AP Seminar is a foundational course that
               history, particularly American history, the       engages students in cross-curricular
               coursework places a greater emphasis on non-      conversations that explore the complexities of
               fiction than fiction and analyzes fiction for     academic and real-world topics and issues by
               arguments made by the author. Students            analyzing divergent perspectives. Using an
                                                                 inquiry framework, students practice reading

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