Page 46 - Course Catalog 2022-2023
P. 46

Fine Arts

               Digital Design 1                                  Yearbook 1 and 2
               Grades 10-12                                      Grades 10-12
               Course Number 715                                 Course Numbers 194 or 198
               Semester Course - 0.5 credit                      Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Prerequisite:  Art Foundations                    Prerequisite: Recommendation by an English teacher
               Estimated Fee:  $30.00                            Estimated Fee: None
               Recommended For: College Bound/Technical          Recommended For:  College Bound
                                                                 Yearbook provides an opportunity for
               This  course  introduces  students  to  graphic   students to produce an annual publication
               design and the computer as a tool to produce      while recording the school’s history in
               both fine and graphic art products.  Students     photographs and writing. Students will
               will create illustrations and designs using the   experience all aspects of producing a
               elements and principles of art.  Students will    yearbook with particular focus on yearbook
               experience    industry   standard   software      journalism, theme development, layout and
               (Photoshop)  and  hardware  such  as  digital     design, photographic composition, and
               cameras  and  drawing  tablets  to  create  their   meeting deadlines.  Students will develop
               own  work.    Students  may  use  this  credit  as   their creativity, and problem solving
               either  their  Technology  credit  or  Fine  Arts   capabilities to collaboratively create a
               credit.                                           tangible product with the yearbook staff.

               Digital Design 2                                  Students are required to attend school
               Grades 10-12                                      functions outside the regular school day in
               Course Number 716                                 order to photograph and cover the events of
               Semester Course - 0.5 credit                      the school year.  Students are also required to
               Prerequisite:  Digital Design 1                   sell advertisements to community businesses
               Estimated Fee:  $30.00
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical         and organizations during the first quarter of
                 Education                                       the school year.  Inability to fulfill these
                                                                 requirements will result in removal from the
               Digital Design 2 is for students who wish to      course.
               further develop their interest, knowledge and     Students  may  use  this  credit  as  either  a
               skills  in  the  world  of  graphic  design  and   technology or elective credit.
               Interaction  with  various  software,  emphasis
               on developing the artistic eye, and expanding
               individual  portfolios  with  high  quality
               products  are  some  of  the  curriculum
               objectives.    Students  will  experience
               designing  for  a  variety  of  clients  modeling
               career awareness. Students may use this credit
               as either their Technology credit or Fine Arts

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