Page 51 - Course Catalog 2022-2023
P. 51

Health and Physical Education

               Health and Physical Education Courses

               Physical Education                                 Health
               Grades 9-10                                        Grade 10
               Course Number 739                                  Course Number 734
               Semester Course - 0.25 credit                      Semester Course - 0.5 credit
               Prerequisite:  None                                Prerequisite:  None
               Estimated Fee:  $11.00                             Estimated Fee:  $14.75
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
                 Education                                          Education

               The  9-10  Physical  Education  program            This  course  will  encourage  students  to
               consists  of  a  comprehensive  coeducational      develop and maintain positive health habits.
               curriculum with major emphasis on team and         They  will  be  exposed  to  negative  health
               group-related  activities.    Individual  sports   behaviors that could have a domino effect on
               and lifetime recreational activities are offered   their  own  lives.    The  students  will  receive
               at  various  times  throughout  the  year  to      factual  information  to  dispel  societal
               provide  a  well-rounded  course  of  study.       misconceptions  concerning  various  health-
               Students  will  have  swimming.      Individual    related issues.  The topics covered are mental
               physical fitness will be stressed as an integral   and emotional health, smart social media use,
               part of each unit of instruction.  A climate is    personality,  suicide  prevention,  cancer,
               established  to  provide  a  safe  setting  for    prescription  drug  dangers,  opiods,  drugs,
               positive interaction among students.               alcohol,  vaping,  dating  relationships,  STIs,
                                                                  physical  health,  organ  donation,  CPR/AED
               This course may be used to meet half of the        and Stop The Bleed Training.
               physical  education  graduation  requirement
               or may be taken twice to fulfill the physical
               education graduation requirement.                  Food and Nutrition with
                                                                  Physical Education
               9   grade  students  must  take  at  least  1      Grades 9-11
               semester of PE within four years.  Students        Course Number CC739
               may  then  waive  their  other  half  of  the  PE   Semester Course – 1.00 credit
               graduation  requirement  by  completing  two       Prerequisite:  None
               full  seasons  of  athletics,  cheerleading  or    Estimated Fee:  $71.00
               marching band. No credit or grade will be          Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               earned  for  the  Physical  Education  waiver.
               Participation in athletics, marching band, or      This year long course provides students with
               cheerleading prior to the 2014-2015 school         an  understanding  of  the  principles  of
               year does not apply.                               nutrition, and the relationship of nutrition to
                                                                  health  and  wellness.    The  class  format  is
                                                                  comprised  of  lecture/group  work,  project
                                                                  based  learning,  physical  activity  days,  and
                                                                  nutritional cooking labs.  Various topics will
                                                                  be  discussed  such  as  factors  that  influence
                                                                  food  choices,  nutrients  and  nutrition
                                                                  guidelines, physical health and fitness, food
                                                                  safety  and  preparation  of  foods,  cost

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