Page 52 - Course Catalog 2022-2023
P. 52

Health and Physical Education

               comparison  strategies,  making  nutritional       Aerobics 9-10
               food choices, and several other introductory       Grade 9-10
               nutrition and wellness topics for teenagers.       Course Number 743
                                                                  Semester Course - 0.25 credit
               In addition, this course will allow students to    Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation
               be  exposed  to  a  wide  variety  of  activities,   Estimated Fee:  $10.00
               games and sports with the intent to develop        Recommended For:  Fitness Minded

               interests,  skills  and  an  appreciation  for  a   Fulfill your Physical Education requirement
               more active lifestyle an adult.  Students will     or  improve  your  body  composition  by
               participate in physical activities twice a week    registering for Body & Mind Sculpting.  This
               and will learn proper sequences to develop an      course will enhance your physical and mental
               individual fitness plan.                           health  by  participating  in  a  variety  of
                                                                  activities.    Gain  physical  strength  through

               PEHR 1750 Personal                                 lightweight  training  and  resistance  training
                                                                  while  practicing  mental  health  through
               Health                                             mindfulness and breathing techniques while

               Grades 10-12                                       performing yoga.  Improve body composition
               Course Number MCCP752                              through  aerobic  exercises  like  dance,
               Semester Course – 3 college credits 1 credit       kickboxing, Zumba and weekly power walks.
               Prerequisite:  Must be accepted to Lakeland CC
               Estimated Fee:  TBD                                This is a safe place to work out and explore
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          new movement techniques.
                 Education                                         This course may be used to meet half of the
                                                                  physical education graduation requirement
               This course includes topical information that
               enables students to develop a healthy
               lifestyle of optimal fitness and wellness. The     Plyometrics and
               course emphasizes critical thinking on
               contemporary health issues and includes            Conditioning (P.A.C.) 9-10
               discussion of fitness (strength/aerobic),          Grade 9-10
               nutrition, stress, relationships, heart disease,   Course Number 745
               chronic and infectious diseases, cancer,           Semester Course - 0.25 credit
               smoking, alcohol, drugs, disease prevention,       Prerequisite: None
                                                                  Estimated Fee:  $25.00
               psychological health, parenting, aging, and        Recommended For:  Fitness Minded
               environmental and safety issues and
               concerns.                                          P.A.C.  10  is  a  semester  course  offered  to
                                                                  varsity  athletes  seriously  interested  in
                                                                  strength  training  and  plyometrics.    This

                                                                  course  can  be  used  as  a  substitute  to  the
                                                                  physical  education  requirement  or  as  an
                                                                  elective  class.    The  course  will  offer  an
                                                                  intense workout for males and females who
                                                                  are  extremely dedicated to  becoming faster

                                                                  and  stronger  to  improve  their  athletic
                                                                  performance.  The course will offer programs
                                                                  for  off-season  and  in-season  conditioning.
                                                                  Students  will  strength  train  three  times  per
                                                                  week.  Each student will be pre-tested, have

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