Page 53 - Course Catalog 2022-2023
P. 53

Health and Physical Education

               a  mid-term  test  and  a  post-term  test  at  the   Plyometrics and
               conclusion  of  the  program.    This  course
               would be excellent for those athletes who are      Conditioning (P.A.C.) 11-12
               involved in more than a varsity sport.  This       Grades 11-12
               course  may  be  used  to  meet  half  of  the     Course Number 746
               physical education graduation requirement.         Semester Course - 0.5 credit
                                                                  Prerequisite:  Completion of the Physical Education
                                                                    Graduation Requirement, must be participating in a
                                                                    varsity sport, and Teacher Recommendation
               Aerobics 11-12                                     Estimated Fee:  $25.00
                                                                  Recommended For: Fitness Minded
               Grades 11-12
               Course Number 744                                  The  P.A.C.  11-12  is  an  elective  semester
               Semester Course - 0.5 credit
               Prerequisite: Completion of Physical Education     course  offered  to  varsity  athletes  seriously
                 Graduation Requirement and Teacher               interested   in   strength   training   and
                 Recommendation                                   plyometrics.  This course can be used as an
               Estimated Fee:  $10.00                             elective  class.    The  course  will  offer  an
               Recommended For:  Fitness Minded                   intense workout for males and females who
                                                                  are  extremely dedicated to  becoming faster
               This  is  an  advanced  credit  course  for        and  stronger  to  improve  their  athletic
               someone  who  has  already  fulfilled  their       performance.  The course will offer programs
               Physical Education requirement and is taking       for  off-season  and  in-season  conditioning.
               it as an elective.  This course will enhance       Students  will  strength  train  three  times  per
               your  physical  and  mental  health  by            week.  Each student will be pre-tested, have
               participating in a variety of activities.  Gain    a  mid-term  test  and  a  post-term  test  at  the
               physical   strength   through    lightweight       conclusion  of  the  program.    This  course
               training  and  resistance  training  while         would be excellent for those athletes who are
               practicing mental health through mindfulness       involved in more than a varsity sport.  This
               and  breathing  techniques  while  performing      course may NOT be used to meet the physical
               yoga.    Improve  body  composition  through       education graduation requirement.
               aerobic  exercises  like  dance,  kickboxing,
               Zumba and weekly power walks.  This is a
               safe  place  to  work  out  and  explore  new
               movement techniques.
                This course may NOT be used to meet the
               physical education graduation requirement.

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