Page 58 - Course Catalog 2022-2023
P. 58


               Pre-Calculus Honors                                Option Discrete
               Grade 11                                           Mathematics
               Course Number 359 or OPT359
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        Grade 12
               Prerequisite:  Algebra 2 Honors and Recommendation   Course Number OPT355
               Estimated Fee:  None                               Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Recommended For:  College Bound                    Prerequisite:  Algebra 2 or Mathematical Modeling &
               Pre-Calculus Honors is the fourth course in        Estimated Fee:  None
               the honors program sequence.  All topics           Recommended For:  College Bound

               covered in the Pre-Calculus course are             This course focuses on four major themes:
               included in this course plus additional work
               in parametric equations, polar equations,          election theory, fair division, apportionment,
                                                                  and graph theory. Important components
               number theory and derivatives and integrals        include small group work, independent
               as a preparation for the AP Calculus BC            work, research, and written analysis.
               course.  A graphing calculator is required for     Students will build interdisciplinary
               this course.
               Pre-Calculus Honors is also offered in the         connections with other subjects. A graphing
                                                                  calculator is required for this course.
               Option program.                                    Discrete Mathematics is only offered in the
                                                                  Option program.

               Algebra 2/Pre-Calculus
               Accelerated                                        Pre-Calculus

               Grade 11                                           Grade 12
               Course Number 353                                  Course Number 361 or OPT361
               Full Year Course - 1 credit; Honors weight         Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Prerequisite:  Geometry or Geometry Honors and     Prerequisite:  Algebra 2
                 Teacher Recommendation                           Estimated Fee:  None
               Estimated Fee:  None                               Recommended For:  College Bound or Technical
               Recommended For:  College Bound                      Education

               This course will cover the same content as         Pre-Calculus builds off of the concepts of
               Algebra 2 and also the major concepts from         Algebra 2 but extends the study of rates of
               Math 4.  The content is covered at an              change, functions, trigonometry and
               accelerated pace in order to make sure that        sequences and series. This course includes
               all content is covered in one school year.         an introduction to matrices and calculus.  A
               This course is intended to give incoming           graphing calculator is required for this
               juniors that took Geometry or Geometry             course.
               Honors as a sophomore the essential                Pre-Calculus is also offered in the Option
               background needed to be able to enroll AP          program.
               Calculus AB as a Senior. Only juniors may
               enroll in this course and teacher permission
               is required. The intention is that a student
               who has taken Algebra 2/Pre-Calculus will
               then sign up for Calculus AB. A graphing
               calculator is required for this course.

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