Page 97 - Course Catalog 2022-2023
P. 97

Special Programs

               Wildcat Focus Mentor                            ESL Immersion
               Grades 11-12                                    Grade: 9-12
               Course Number G041                              Course Number:
               Full Year Course – 1.0 credit                   Full Year Course: 1 Credit
               Prerequisite:  Application and acceptance into the   Prerequisite: None*
                 mentor program                                       *Note: All students who list a primary or
               Recommended For:  College Bound                        parental language other than English will take
               Estimated Fee:  None                                   the Ohio English Language Proficiency
                                                                      Screener (OELPS) in order to be identified as
               Wildcat Focus is designed to cover a myriad of         an English Language Learner (ELL) within the
               topics that a ninth grade student needs to know        state of Ohio. This course is only offered to
               for social and academic success at Mayfield     Estimated Fee: None
               High School.  Lessons include stressing the     Recommended for: ELL students who score a 3 or below
               importance of school spirit, using the libraries,   in Reading and Writing on the OELPS or Ohio English
               learning effective note taking and study skills,   Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA).
               getting along with others, and much more.  A
               key component of the Wildcat Focus program      This course will provide students with the
               is mentorship.  Built into Wildcat Focus is the   opportunity to practice strategies and tools to grow
                                                               academically within the four English language
               opportunity for new ninth grade students to     domains: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
               learn from and model the behavior of respected   Students will use these strategies to be an active
               upper-class students.                           participant in class discussions, presentations, and a
                                                               variety of writing and reading assignments
               A group of student leaders and a teacher will   designed to support students’ progress from one
               be assigned to every group of new ninth grade   level of language acquisition to the next. This
               students.  Developing a close guiding           course is designed to scaffold student learning to
               relationship with the new ninth grade students   prepare students for their grade level general
               is the ultimate goal of a mentor.               education classes as well as help students adjust to
                                                               U.S. culture.
               A Wildcat Focus mentor will serve as a model
               for the entire school body.  The responsibilities
               of mentors will be to:                          ESL Study Skills
                     Assist faculty advisors                  Grade: 9-12
                     Meet with approximately five new ninth   Course Number:
                       grade students on a daily basis during the   Full Year Course: 0 Credits
                       Wildcat Focus period                    Prerequisite: None*
                     Tutor struggling ninth grade students in        *Note: All students who list a primary or
                                                                      parental language other than English will take
                       areas of concern                               the Ohio English Language Proficiency
                     Teach mini-lessons that are part of the         Screener (OELPS) in order to be identified as
                       curriculum                                     an English Language Learner (ELL) within the
                     Lead small group discussions                    state of Ohio. This course is only offered to
                     Update students and review information          ELLs.
                       about school events, procedures and rules   Estimated Fee: None
                     Meet on Wednesday mornings with the      Recommended for: ELL students with a grade of ‘C’ or
                                                               below in one or more general education class.
                       Wildcat Focus coordinators or counselors
                     Attend two mentoring training sessions   This course will provide students with the opportunity to
                       during the summer                       discuss and improve their vocabulary,
                     Help at the Ninth Grade Orientation in   reading/composition strategies and study skills in order
                       August                                  to improve ESL students’ progress in grade level general
                     Attend Wildcat Focus sponsored activities.   education courses.

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