Page 92 - Course Catalog 2022-2023
P. 92

Italian 2                                          Italian 4 Honors

               Grades 9-12                                        Grades 11-12
               Course Number 534 or SP534                         Course Number 539
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Prerequisite:  Italian 1 or 8 Italian              Prerequisite:  Italian 3 and Recommendation
               Estimated Fee:  $2.00                              Estimated Fee:  $50.00
               Recommended For:  College Bound                    Recommended For:  College Bound

               Italian 2 continues to develop the listening,      Italian 4 broadens the students’
               speaking, reading, and writing skills present      understanding of the Italian language and
               in Italian 1.  Through oral exercises students     culture by presenting graded reading
               are provided opportunities for self-               materials.  Readings acquaint students with
               expression in concrete situations.  Students       aspects of Italian life and culture.  In order
               are encouraged to use the language in a new        to understand modern phrases and idioms,
               context with each new lesson.  They are able       the works of current Italian authors are
               to handle an active vocabulary of                  studied.  All discussions are in the language,
               approximately 2,000 words, as well as to           as is all written work.
               recognize many more in speech or writing.
               The students are introduced to contemporary        AP Italian Language and
               non-touristic life and culture through
               themes, readings, and cultural notes.              Culture
                                                                  Grade 12
               Italian 2 is also offered as a self-paced          Course Number 540
               courses for sophomores only.                       Full Year Course - 1 credit
                                                                  Prerequisite:  Italian 4 Honors and Recommendation
                                                                  Estimated Fee:  $50.00 and A.P. exam fee
               Italian 3                                            (approximately $94.00)

               Grades 10-12                                       Recommended For:  College Bound

               Course Number 535
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        This course is designed to provide intensive
               Prerequisite:  Italian 2                           study in preparation for college placement
               Estimated Fee:  None                               tests.  During the year, students will
               Recommended For:  College Bound                    complete units of history, literature and
                                                                  review of major points of the grammar
               Italian 3 offers the students an opportunity       learned in the preceding courses. Students
               to form more complex expressions by the            enrolled in this course are required to take
               further study of grammar.  It broadens the         the A.P. exam in May.
               students’ understanding of the language by
               the reading of true-to-life articles. Students
               learn about the culture and political              Click on the image below to learn more
               geography of Italy and are presented with          about the Mayfield Italian program.
               much new vocabulary.  Most discussions are
               done in the language to increase language
               usage. The students write original
               compositions. (Honors curriculum will be
               available.  Please see your counselor and/or
               your World Language teacher for details.)

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