Page 5 - The Gospel Truth About Death and Dying_Neat
P. 5

God knew that man would sin, and thus would not be able to live
               forever in the condition of sin, as he had created Adam and Eve

               to do.

               He knew that redemption would be needed, which is what the

               entire Bible is about after Genesis 3. Paul tells us that God made
               Jesus to be:

               (a) wisdom (gospel truth),

               (b) righteousness,

               (c) sanctification and

               (d) redemption unto us.

               (I Cor 1:30)



                                                 Life Is Only

                               ‘A Temporary Assignment’

               This life is just a temporary assignment for all of us. We are
               told our lives are but a vapor or a mist (James 4:14).

               The bumper sticker says, “Life is just one damn thing after

               another, and then you die!”

               We all know we’re not going to get out of this alive — at least
               not in the condition we are living presently. But the fact is the

               Bible tells us we all live forever. Every person on the face of the
               earth lives forever in one of two places.

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