Page 12 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 12

JSOD Marathon Rally Competition

       On May 1, 2019, JSOD conducted a Marathon Rally Competition at Al Rehab
       Complex. More than 30 employees participated in the event.

                                        Participation of WR 911 EC in Eid
                                        Celebration for Orphans and
                                        Disabled Persons

                                                   On June 17, 2019, WR 911 Emergency
                                                   Center along with other Saudi Aramco
                                                   organizations participated in Eid Celebration
                                                   for Orphans and disabled persons which was
                                                   held at the recreation center at Yanbu. The
                                                   security booth represented by WR 911
                                                   Emergency Center staff informed the
                                                   attendees about our roles and how to report
                                                   emergencies. Furthermore, the event was
                                                   attended by Yanbu Governor, Yanbu Royal
                                                   Commission Management, Saudi Aramco
                                                   Management and other distinguished guests
                                                   from government agencies.


                                                                   Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
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