Page 8 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 8
YSOD Engineering Workshop (NLP)
In YSOD’s commitment toward building an effective partnership with the
government agencies and Joined Venture (JV) companies, YSOD in coordination
with S&IS HR team had successfully organized a five (5) days’ Neuro-Linguistic
Programming (NLP) workshop which started from April 7, 2019. The workshop
was attended by high ranked officials from different government security agencies
in Yanbu, security managers representing various JV companies, and employees
from different Saudi Aramco organizations. The aim of organizing such event was
to strengthen YSOD’s bond with its partner’s government agencies, JV Companies
and Saudi Aramco organizations and to elevate the communication to the highest
possible level, as well as enhancing the positive influence of Saudi Aramco toward
the surrounding community.
Saudi Aramco: Company General Use