Page 7 - Monthly Newsletter of Coordination Group FEB 2019
P. 7


Safety and

SOP 505

                                                              A reminder session had
                                                             conducted to shift 3 team

                                                               members in regard to
                                                           Weapon Safety and SOP 505.
                                                          The presenter was highlighted

                                                             some important tips while
                                                            using weapon furthermore,

                                                               he discusses during an
                                                           awareness sessions with the

                                                                  team member the
                                                           responsibilities, handover of

                                                               weapons box, manual
                                                            handover of a weapon box
                                                          and the procedure of weapon
                                                          inspections and the presenter
                                                             was ending the lecture by
                                                           reminding all armed security
                                                           personnel to be familiar with
                                                             ISO threat levels & actions
                                                            Matrix and how this affects
                                                              the carriage of weapons.
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