Page 8 - Monthly Newsletter of Coordination Group FEB 2019
P. 8
SafetySafety Article
Safety as a Personal Driving Safely is an important subject talk about. thus, one of shift 3
employee was prepared a predestination and highlighted some points
Matter and provided a series advice i.e. that while you're behind the wheel of a
car whether alone or with passengers driving safety should always be your
With all the emphasis on safety programs, concern and be aware of what other drivers around you are doing and
safety training, and safety rules, it is easy to expect the unexpected, assume other motorists will do something crazy.
forget that when you come right down to it,
safety is a personal matter. When we all Incident Reporting Process
make safety our own personal goal, this will
be a safer workplace for all of us. It takes the The safety of employees is one of the company’s
same kind of responsibility you accept and priorities and according to WRISOD manager instruction
exercise when you’re driving. You know you always remember that if you are injured god forbid,
have brakes, and you have them regularly whether at work or elsewhere immediately notify your
checked, but in heavy traffic or bad weather supervisor regardless of the severity of the injury. If the
you don’t rely totally on the brakes, you injury occurs at work, your supervisor or his delegate will
make it a point to drive more slowly and be accompany you to the nearest clinic to ensure that you
even more watchful than usual. In the same receive proper medication and to discuss with your
way, even when your machine guards and physician what modified duties may be required. If the
safety glasses are in place, you can’t assume injury occurs outside of work, proceed immediately to
that means you don’t have to exercise care your registered medical center for proper medical
and caution. When you take safety evaluation and treatment. Your supervisor or safety
personally and add a generous portion of department coordinator will coordinate with your
positive thinking, you have a good formula physician to assign you to modified duties, if needed.
for safety success. Positive thinking means
knowing that you are responsible for your
safety and the safety of others. It also means
believing that your actions count and can
prevent accidents and preserve safety.
Finally it means knowing the difference
between safe and unsafe actions and being
determined always to choose the former. If
there’s one thing I hope you’ll take out on
the floor with you from this session, it’s this:
in our ongoing battle against accident and
injury, two of our most powerful weapons
are positive thinking and taking safety
Khaled Tunkal
Group Supvr I Security