Page 12 - Diving In India Demo
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 worth spending some 3me. It is an Archeological Survey of India (ASI) Heritage site. The total travel 3me should be about 5-6 hours.
Diving In Pondicherry
History (place and diving):
In 2009, Temple Adventures collaborated with a couple of divers from Sri Aurobindo Ashram who had started diving in Pondicherry area over 35 years ago. Together, they started venturing out into the unexplored waters of the Indian East Coast hoping to discover some fascina3ng and breathtaking dive sites. Aier many hours and days of explora3on with the help of local fishermen, we were able to discover some breathtaking natural dive sites such as Pirates, The Wall, Ravines, Tex Mex etc.
Aier the explora3on and acknowledging the damage caused by overfishing, Temple Adventures, along with the help of divers from The Ashram, decided to start building an ar3ficial dive site (fish aggrava3on devices- FAD) which would act as a nursery for the juvenile marine life. Thus began the work of Temple reef, the only ar3ficial reef built purely through manual labour on the Indian East Coast. Construc3on work started in the month of October 2013. Aier five years of hard work, Team Temple can now proudly acknowledge the presence of the 67 different species of marine life currently inhabi3ng the reef through a recent monitoring effort by Mahima Jaini.
Why choose to dive with Temple Adventures?
Temple Adventures is a 5-star Scuba Diving centre opera3ng in mainland India. It gives maximum importance to diving standards and customer safety. There has not been any incident reported since Temple Adventures started opera3ng. Scubapro, the best diving equipment in the global market is the brand of choice used by Temple. The equipment is rou3nely checked and serviced to ensure safety and provide the best possible experience for divers. High-end quality Bauer compressors are used to fill air or nitrox (Enriched Air) into the scuba tanks, and the filters are rou3nely changed to keep the breathing gas pure – an aspect oien neglected to save costs.
Temple Adventures has a team of highly experienced divers consis3ng of a marine scien3st, Dive Masters, Instructors and Master Instructors. Apart from scuba diving, Temple is also ac3vely involved in Marine conserva3on, Defense training, Films and movies, CSR and ar3ficial reef crea3on. More interes3ngly, and worth men3oning, even differently abled persons are trained by the Temple dive staff, further promo3ng their “Anybody can dive” slogan.

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