Page 13 - Diving In India Demo
P. 13

 Defence training.
We are all well aware of the fact that government organisa3ons such as Navy, Fire and Rescue, Coast Guard and Army personnel work very hard to keep the people of the country safe. So, it is every ci3zen's responsibility to respect these organisa3ons as well as help them in whatever way possible. Over the past years, Temple has been ac3vely engaging with various such organisa3ons and has been successful in training scuba diving to scores of people from such organisa3ons. Apart from this, Temple also helps the defence personnel in many underwater search and rescue opera3ons as well.
Defence personnel are given utmost importance, and the training provided to them is quite strenuous and is more rigorous than that of a typical civilian diver. This is done to ensure that the defence forces are more than equipped to face emergency situa3ons. Temple has trained thousands of such divers over the past ten years. During 3mes of emergencies like the floods in Chennai in the year 2015, the marines/home guards employed their search and rescue skills that they learnt from Temple to help several people stranded in the flooded streets and houses of Chennai and other affected areas nearby. This is just one such incident of assis3ng civilians in distress. There are others as well.
      Dornier search team
Marine Commandos
   Classroom theory educa3on for the Marine Commandos
  When to dive?
365 days! However, the best seasons are January to May and August to November with an average visibility of about 15 metres.

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