Page 15 - Diving In India Demo
P. 15
• Suitable level for divers
Fun divers (Scuba diver cer3fied and up), Discover Scuba Divers
• Depth
5 - 18 metres.
• General Fish life (rated 1-5)
Malabar Grouper, Red Snapper, Blue line Grouper, Coral Banded Shrimp, Dancing Durban Shrimp, Spearing Man3s Shrimp, Hump head Bauish, Round face Bauish, Zebra Bauish, Chevron Barracuda, Yellowtail Barracuda, Yellow Boxfish, Blue Spot Toby, Titan Triggerfish, Indian Vagabond BuOerfly fish, Harlequin Sweetlips, Long fin Banner fish, Blue tang surgeonfish, Bronze lined Rabbit fish, Eye stripe Surgeonfish, Gold-lined spine foot, Cleaner Wrasse, Three- spot Dascyllus, Blue ring angel fish, Yellowtail Chromis, Sergeant fish, Copper Sweepers, Ring- tailed Cardinal fish, Brown Lionfish, Chinese Trumpet fish, Honeycomb Moray Eel, Moray Eels, Garden Eels, Porcupine Puffer fish, Black spoOed puffer fish, Peacock sole, Yellow spot Goauish, Jackfish, Mackerels, Valenciennea Goby, Amblyeleotris Goby, Yellow Prawn Goby, Red Lionfish, Clear fin Lionfish, Pteroismombasae Lionfish, Silver moonies, Yellowtail damselfish.
Ra3ng – 5
• Coral (rated 1-5) None – N/A
• Currents
Mild to moderate currents usually from North to South direc3on
• Visibility Average 10 meters
• Temp
Average 27 degree Celsius
• Map