Page 20 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 20
Relation to the Rapture Question
The doctrine of the church has been rightly considered by
theologians of all points of view as being an integral and im
portant aspect of theology as a whole. Systems of theology can
often be characterized by their ecclesiology. The premillennial
system of interpretation has especially relied on a proper
understanding of the doctrine of the church as a body distinct
from Israel and from saints in general. What is essential to
premillennialism becomes an indispensable foundation in the
study of pretribulationism. It is safe to say that pre-
tribulationism depends on a particular definition of the
church, and any consideration of pretribulationism that does
not take this major factor into consideration will be largely
beside the point.
If the term church includes saints of all ages, then it is
self-evident that the church will go through the Tribulation, as
all agree that there will be saints in this time of trouble. If,
however, the term church applies only to a certain body of
saints, namely, the saints of this present dispensation, then the
possibility of the translation of the church before the Tribula-