Page 24 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 24

The Meaning of the Church
     Gentile (1 Cor. 10:32; Heb. 12:22-24). The church as the body
     of Christ is therefore a new entity, and the term ecclesia when
     used in this sense refers only to saints of the present dispensa­
              The Church Age as a Parenthesis
         Not only do the Scriptures indicate that the church of the
     present age is a distinct body of believers, but there is good
     evidence that the age itself is a parenthesis in the divine pro­
     gram of God as it was revealed in the Old Testament. There
     has been considerable opposition from amillenarians, as well
     as from some premillenarians, to the concept of the church age
     as a parenthesis. Generally speaking, however, those who dis­
     tinguish clearly between the church and Israel have recog­
     nized the present age as an unexpected and unpredicted par­
     enthesis as far as Old Testament prophecy is concerned.
     While a concept of a parenthesis is not absolutely essential to
     pretribulationism, if this teaching be accepted, it greatly
     strengthens the pretribulational argument.
         Of major importance is the relationship of this to the
     interpretation of Daniel’s seventieth week (Dan. 9:27). Those
     who believe that the present age is a parenthesis regard it as
     the extended period of time between the close of the sixty­
     ninth week of Daniel and the beginning of the seventieth week.
     This would support the teaching of pretribulationists that the
     future fulfillment of Daniel’s seventieth week has to do with
     Israel and not the church and thereby strengthens the pre­
     tribulation position. The study of Daniel’s seventieth week
     will sustain the teaching that the church of the present age is a
     distinct body from those who live in the seventieth week.
     Daniel’s seventieth week relates to Israel, not the church
         The interpretation of Daniel 9:24-27 is of major impor­
      tance to premillennialism as well as pretribulationism. Con­
     servative scholars generally have interpreted the term week
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