Page 29 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 29

The Rapture Question: Revised and Enlarged Edition
              the general equality of Gentile and Jew is clearly predicted in
              the Old Testament. He stated, “Clearly the equality of Gen­
              tile with Jew was predicted in the Old Testament.”6 A search
              of his argument for proof texts on this point, however, reveals
              none whatever.
                 The fact is that the thought of equality of Jew and Gentile
              was never mentioned in the great kingdom passages of the Old
              Testament. The Jews correctly interpreted such passages as
              Isaiah 61:5-6 as indicating their supremacy in the predicted
              kingdom age: “Aliens will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will
              work your fields and vineyards. And you will be called priests
              of the Lord, you will be named ministers of our God. You will
              feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will
              boast.” Isaiah 2:1-4 teaches the same truth of Israel’s exalta­
              tion in the kingdom age. The seat of government shall be in
              Jerusalem and from Zion the law will go forth.
                 It is of course true that Gentiles are promised great
              blessing in the kingdom age. They are promised salvation,
              material blessing, peace, tranquillity, and a share in the glory
              of that era. None of these promised blessings are extended to
              Gentiles on the ground of equality, however, and this is the
              point of the mystery.
                 The real issue is whether Jews and Gentiles are presented
              as the same body in the Old Testament. Our examination of
              the Old Testament fails to sustain this idea. The distinct
              character of the present age is further shown by the fact that
              the Old Testament in its prophetic foreview pictures Israel in
              the millennial kingdom, which is quite different from the pur­
              pose of God in the present age. Only if the amillenarian
              method of spiritualizing Old Testament passages is adopted
              can the present age be made to conform. Allis as an amillenar­
              ian admitted this when he wrote: “This conception of the
              mystery is entirely due to the insistence of Dispensationalists
              that the kingdom promises to Israel must be literally fulfilled,
              and therefore that the complete equality of Jew with Gentile in

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