Page 64 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 64

The Nature of the Tribulation
    that. The church at Philadelphia was not to enter the tribula­
    tion period. By application, if expositors are correct who find
    in the seven churches a foreshadowing of the entire church
    age, the Philadelphia church, representing the true and faith­
    ful church, is promised deliverance before the hour comes.
    While it may be debatable to what extent this constitutes
    absolute proof for pretribulationism, it gives no comfort what­
    ever to posttribulationism.6 The relationship of Revelation
    3:10 to posttribulationism will be considered at length later.
       The Scriptures repeatedly indicate that Christians of this
    age are kept from wrath. Romans 5:9 states: “Since we have
    now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be
    saved from God’s wrath through him!” This principle is illus­
    trated in Scripture in such historic cases as the deliverance of
    Lot from Sodom, which is taken as a specific illustration of
    deliverance from wrath in 2 Peter 2:6-9. Noah and his family,
    delivered from the Flood by the ark, constitute another illus­
    tration of the principle. Rahab at Jericho was also delivered
    from the doomed city. While illustrations cannot properly be
     taken as proof, they confirm the idea that God character­
    istically delivers believers from wrath designed for judgment
    upon the unbelievers. If God delivers the church before the
     time of tribulation, it will be in keeping with the general prin­
        Another evidence that the church will be delivered before
     the Tribulation overtakes the earth is cited by E. Schuyler
     English in his somewhat novel interpretation of 2 Thessalo->   o'
     nians 2:3. In reference to the day of the Lord, this passage ‘   A
     states: “Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day \ t 1
     will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of law­
     lessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.” The
     expression “the rebellion” is the translation for the Greek
     word apostasia. It is normally considered a reference to doctri­
     nal apostasy. English pointed out that the word is derived
     from the verb aphistemi, used fifteen times in the New Testa-
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