Page 91 - The Rapture Question by John F. Walvoord
P. 91

The Translation and the Second Coming Contrasted
    author, entitled The Blessed Hope and the Tribulation. The ap­
    proach here, while incorporating some of this material, is nec­
    essarily from a different point of view. With due recognition of
     the diversity of posttribulational views, a summary of post­
    tribulational arguments should be considered. Then a study of
    pertinent Scripture passages contrasting the pretribulational
     and posttribulational interpretations will be undertaken. The
    question, after all, is What do the Scriptures teach? While the
    subject is complex and involves many details, the main issues
     will emerge in the study of pertinent Scripture. As pre-
     tribulationism and posttribulationism cannot both be right,
     the student of the Scripture must decide on the basis of the
     weight of evidence supporting either position. Before turning
     to posttribulationism, however, the divergent positions of the
     partial rapture view and the midtribulation rapture view will
     be considered.

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