Page 12 - Hunar
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HUnar : defining element of growth

               by  8  eminent  speakers  from  different        CCAE  on  01.02.19  as  a  Subject  Matter
               industries with vast experiences.                Expert – Factory Automation.He has more
                                                                than 12 years of rich & versatile industrial
                                                                work  experience  related  to  the  field  of
                                                                Factory Automation.

               Workshop  on  PID  Controllers  and
               Automatic  Combustion  Control  in
               Boilers & Furnaces
               Workshop  was  conducted  by  Mr.  Sumit
               Kumar  assisted  by  Ms.  Priya  Khanduja.  Mr.   Workshop on Fundamentals of Variable
               Sumit Kumar has joined CCAE on 01.02.19 as       Frequency Drive and its Applications
               a Subject Matter Expert – Factory Automation.    Workshop  was  conducted  on  15   March
               He has more than 12 years of rich & versatile    2019  titled  “Fundamentals  of  Variable
               industrial work experience related to the field   Frequency Drive and its applications with
               of Factory Automation.                           special  focus  on  Crane  and  Process
                                                                Control”. It covered various aspects related
                                                                to  fundamentals,  industrial  specifications,
                                                                applications,  features,  functions  etc.  of
                                                                Variable  Frequency  Drives.  We  focused
                                                                more  on  building  fundamentals  first
                                                                followed  by  comprehensive  hands-on
                                                                practical  exercises  to  understand  the
                                                                electrical configurations and programming
                                                                of  Variable  Frequency  Drives  suitable  to
                                                                Crane and Process Control.

               Workshop on Variable Frequency Drive
               and its Applications
               Workshop  was  conducted  by  Mr.  Sumit
               Kumar      assisted    by    Ms.     Priya
               Khanduja.Mr.  Sumit  Kumar  has  joined

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