Page 16 - Hunar
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HUnar : defining element of growth

               5  Days  Workshop  on  "Hands-on                 Workshop  on  Domestic,  Industrial
               Training  on  eQuest"  for  B.  tech  –          Automation  and  HVAC  System  of
               Mechanical Engineering 5th Semester              Buildings
               Five-day workshop was conducted between 2        Chitkara  College  of  applied  engineering
               to  6   September  2019  for  B.  tech  –        organized  5  days  hands  on  experience
               Mechanical Engineering 5th Semester on heat      workshop on Domestic automation, Industrial
               load  calculation  and  hands  on  training  on   Automation  and  HVAC  system  of  buildings
               eQuest.  After  release  of  National  Building   dated  02-06,  Sept  2019  for  B.E  electrical  5
               Code by government of India Building energy      semester students under taken care of Mr. Atul
               efficiency  has  become  vital  for  nations     Gilhotra.  The  workshop  was  organized  to
               development.    Students  were  exposed  to      provide them hands on and make them ready
               building  head  load  calculation  which  is  the   for industry. On last day of workshop, students
               foremost important step for designing HVAC       learnt  basics  of  HVAC  system  of  building
               system in building.                              which  was  taught  by  Dr.  Rajeev  K  Sharma
                                                                about basic refrigeration, window ac, Spilt AC
               Workshop on Plumbing Systems Design              and duct AC. Students also visited HVAC lab.
               and Plumbing drawings
               Three  days  workshop  on  “Plumbing  Systems
               Design  and  Plumbing  drawings  successfully
               completed  in  Chitkara  university,  Punjab
               collectively  by  Indian  Plumbing  Association
               Chandigarh  chapter  and  Chitkara  College  of
               Applied  Engineering  for  the  practical
               exposure,  better  understanding  of  plumbing
               systems  of  the  students  of  graduate  civil
               engineering from 2  Sep 19 to 6  Sep 19.

                                                                          Social Well Being

                                                                Tree Plantation Drive
                                                                Chitkara  College  of  Applied  Engineering  has
                                                                jointly organized the Tree Plantation Drive in
                                                                association  with  Municipal  Corporation,  SAS
                                                                Nagar Mohali-Punjab and Forest Department,
                                                                Chandigarh  on  26   September  2019  by
                                                                welcoming  Mr.  Bhupinder  pal  Singh,
                                                                Commissioner  and  Dr.  Kanu  Thind,  Joint
                                                                Commissioner.  Later,  Mr.  Gaurav  Kalia  and

                                                                Mr.  Paramjit  Singh  address  the  students  and

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