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HUnar : defining element of growth

                                                                these are on to make sure we stay focused in giving
                            CONTENTS                            maximum  practical  learning  to  the  students,
                  ❖  Top Stories                                thereby enabling them to be “Industry Ready” from
                                                                the  beginning  by  attaining  required  skills  through
                  ❖  Faculty and Student’s Achievements         learning,  practice,  assignment  &  industry  led
                  ❖  Events Organized                           internship.  Programs  are  carefully  chosen  and
                  ❖  Industrial Visits Organized                revolve  around  “Building  Services  Engineering”
                                                                thereby creating exclusive programs with industry
                                                                partners  and  enabling  the  students  to  fill  vacuum,
                                                                which  cannot  be  filled  easily  by  conventional
                                                                engineering graduates.

                                                                       “Hunar”  as  it  is  known  as  Skill  is  the
                                                                outcome  of  knowledge,  practice,  experience  &
                                                                method to achieve perfection in any assigned task
                                                                or  activity  takes  the  top  most  priority  in  today’s
                                                                world. There is no short cut to achieve Hunar as it
                                                                calls for discipline, focus and determination to gain
                                                                skill and become master. This yearly periodical in
                                                                house  magazine  “Hunar”  is  the  culmination  of
                                                                efforts & activities that have taken place and also
                                                                bring  unique  achievements  of  department,  faculty
                                                                and  students  to  commemorate  the  success.  This
                                                                magazine  also  establishes  the  credible  journey  of
                       EDITORIAL BOARD                          “Chitkara College of Applied Engineering” within

             ❖ Mr. S.R. Dhanasekaran, (Dean)                    Chitkara University and outside world.

             ❖ Dr. Rajeev K. Sharma, (Deputy Dean)                     I  extend  thanks  &  gratitude  to  Top

                 ❖ Mr. Arrik Khanna, (Assistant Dean)           Management & Leadership Team for reposing their
                                                                confidence, continuous motivation and pushing us
             ❖ Mr. Gaurav Goel, (Assistant Professor)           to continue our journey. I wish to thank the entire
                                                                editorial team for their tiring hard work in collating
             ❖ Mr. Deepanshu Saini, (Student Co-ordinator)      all  information  and  putting  it  in  an  order  for

                                                                everyone to read and appreciate the commendable
                                                                work done.  My special thanks go to Dr. Rajeev K.
                             EDITORIAL                          Sharma, Dy. Dean & Mr. Gaurav Goel, Asst Prof.
                                                                for  their  painstaking  efforts  in  ensuring  this
               Preface:                                         magazine hits on time.
               Chitkara  College  of  Applied                   Let us all pledge to make students of CCAE to take
               Engineering    (CCAE),    a                      step forward with “Hunar” in their hands…
               constituent   institution   of
               Chitkara   University   was                      Prof. S.R. Dhanasekaran
               established in the year 2017 and it traces the path of   Vice President
               erstwhile  Chitkara  Polytechnic.  It  is  the  first  &   Skill and Strategic Initiatives.
               prominent  step  in  promoting  skill  based  technical
               education  in  niche  areas.  Efforts  are  made  and

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