Page 4 - Hunar
P. 4

HUnar : defining element of growth

               Inauguration of IPA Student Chapter at           collaboration,  joint  programs  and  SMP  were
               Chitkara University                              discussed.
               Indian  Plumbing  Association  student  chapter
               was inaugurated at Chitkara University on 22
               April  2019  by  Mr.  Sahil  Kansal,  Chairman,
               IPA (Chandigarh Chapter). It was followed by
               the guest lecture by an eminent personality of
               the day in which he briefed about the various
               initiatives of IPA Chandigarh Chapter and how
               they  are  collectively  contributing  to  the
               society. Students were also made aware of the
               benefits of being IPA members. Also, Students
               were  nominated  as  President,  Vice  President,
               Secretary and Vice Secretary to look after and
               conduct  various  activities.  Inaugural  was
               concluded  with  a  tree  plantation  in  front  of   Visit  by  Prof.  Alan  Maguire  and  Prof.
               TESLA block.                                     Prashanth     Prasanna     to   Chitkara
                                                                University- Punjab
                                                                Prof.  Alan  Maguire,  Manager  -  International
                                                                Student  Operations  &  Prof.  Prashanth
                                                                Prasanna,  Senior  Regional  Manager  -
                                                                International  Recruitment  paid  visit  to
                                                                Chitkara  College  of  Applied  Engineering  for
                                                                mutual understanding & discussions regarding
                                                                program  level  collaboration  and  possibilities
                                                                for SMP (Short Mobility Program).
                                                                       CCAE  facilitated  a  tour  for  the
                                                                visiting delegation  and  deep  discussions  took
                                                                place  with  respect  to  SMP  on  possible  areas
                                                                like Factory Automation & Plumbing

               Visit   by    Prof.   Dhanasekaran      to
               Chisholm  Tafe  Institute  -  Dandenong,
               Prof.  Dhanasekaran  paid  visit  to  Chisholm
               Tafe  Institute  at  Dandenong  on  26th  April,
               2019 while attending Global Skills Challenge
               at  Melbourne,  Australia  and  explored
               possibilities of synergy whereby program level

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