Page 13 - Society 2020
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AMOUNTS Rs. P 605,259.05 3,840,455.00 9,029.05 4,454,743.10 Countersigned Sd/- ASST.DIRECTOR OF CO-OP.AUDIT CHENNAI (NORTH), CHENNAI - 2
Misc. Income received and due Interest Received and due
PROFIT Non Statutory Reserve Released Grand Total
FINAL AUDIT 2019 - 2020 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31.03.2020 AMOUNTS S.No. Rs. P 1 495,261.83 2 1,687,364.00 3 17,147.00 2,604.00 2,202,376.83 2,252,366.27 4,454,743.10 Sd/- CO-OP. AUDIT OFFICER, CIRCLE-II
Estt. Contingent Paid and Due Interest Paid and Due Audit Fees Paid and Due Non Statutory Reserve Created Staff Gratuity Provision
LOSS Net Profit for the Year 2019-2020 Grand Total
S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL 6 Sd/- President