Page 10 - Society 2020
P. 10

                               No.                 PAYMENTS                GL No.    AMOUNT
                                1    Members share capital                            557,500.00
                                2    Deposits and Borrowings:
                                     a)  Members Thrift Deposit                       991,805.00
                                     b)  Fixed Deposit                                930,000.00
                                     c)  Recuring Deposit                             835,599.00
                                     d)  Family Welfare Fund                          202,040.00
                                     e)  Family Welfare Fund scheme                   200,000.00
                                     f)  Chennai Central Co-op. Bank Loan           2,630,100.00
                                3    Audit Fees                                         9,872.00
                                4    M  e  m  b  e  r  s     L  o  a  n
                                     a)  Ordinary Loan                             57,323,000.00
                                     b)  Education Loan                               170,000.00
                                     c)  Festival Loan                                 85,000.00
                                     d)  crackers Loan                                     0.00
                                     e)  Emergency Loan                               100,000.00
                                5    a)  CCC Bank H.O. C Ac. No. 264016215          2,082,394.00
                                     b)  Indian Overseas Bank C A/c No. 14         17,176,660.31
                                6    c)  TNSC Bank SB A/C                               1,462.00
                                7    Interest Paid                                  1,675,910.00
                                8    Establishment and  Contingencies paid            484,761.83
                                     Adjusting Heads
                                     a)  Sundry Debtors                               131,877.00
                                9    b)  Sundry Creditors                             361,340.00
                                     Appropriation of profit 2018 - 2019            2,545,340.64
                                     a)  Dividend                                     832,249.19

                                10   Bad Debt Reserve Invested with CCC Bank           36,824.00
                                11   Common Good Fund                                      0.00
                                12   Honarorium                                        11,176.00

                                13   INVESTMENT MADE
                                     a) F.D. with C.C Bank                            100,000.00

                                     TOTAL                                         89,474,910.97
                                     CLOSING BALANCE                                     814.00
                                     GRAND TOTAL                                   89,475,724.97
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