Page 5 - Society 2020
P. 5


                             This Year the Society has earned a net profit of Rs. 22,52,366.27and the

                             profits should be appropriated as per Co-op, Society Act and Rules and the

                             By-law of the Society. We are happy to inform that it is recommended to the
                             General Body to declare Dividend to members at the rate of 14% on their

                             paid up share capital for the year 2019-2020 as done in the last years.


                             We thank all the members for their continued co-operation and assistance to

                             the society. We wish to convey our special thanks to the Director and Joint

                             Director,  Census  operations, Tamil  Nadu  for  their  prompt  recovery  and
                             remittance of the monthly demand towards the society. We express our thanks

                             to the additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai region and

                             Deputy registrar (Credit),for their guidance for the effective performance and
                             functioning of the Society. Our Thanks are always due to the Asst. Director of

                             Cooperative Audit, Chennai (North) and the Cooperative Audit Officer for the

                             Completion of audit and issue of audit report in time. Finally I Wish to Thank
                             the staff of the society for the proper maintenance of accounts and records.

                             Dated: 01.10.2020


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