Page 33 - English Grammar and Composition-Student Textbook short
P. 33

Practice 8:  Strong Verbs

                   Choose a strong verb that fits within the context of the given situation.  Write the next sentence for
                   the situation using a strong verb.  Some verbs have been identified as weak; therefore, you may
              not use those words.

              SITUATION #1:
              The man stood in the road after his bicycle was stolen.  His ankle was beginning to swell.  The next village was five
              kilometers away.

              The man                                  to the next village. (weak verb: walked)

              SITUATION #2:
              To prepare dinner, a woman went to the chicken coupe.  As she reached for the chicken, it escaped her grasp.

              It took the woman 10 minutes to                            the chicken. (weak verb: find)

              SITUATION #3:
              Paula and Maylene arrived on campus and didn’t want to wait for breakfast to eat the scones the students were
              preparing that night.

              They                            the scones with delight in their stomachs and hearts. (weak verb: ate)

              SITUATION #4:
              The students were playing football.  Suddenly a snake appeared.  The players didn’t see the snake, but a spectator

              The spectator                            loudly to warn the players. (weak verb: yelled)

              SITUATION #5:

              Wilson was trying to entertain his girlfriend with some jokes.  She wasn’t laughing.  Just then, Wilson’s best friend
              walked over to join them and made a funny comment.

              Wilson was annoyed when his girlfriend                            at the comment. (weak verb: laughed)

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