Page 79 - English Grammar and Composition-Student Textbook short
P. 79

Study Section 23:  Strategies for IOVC

               23.1 Connect

                         This is a very important part of this class. Below you will read about how your final paper will be
                         evaluated.  We have gone over all the information during the class. It should all be recognizable to
                         you.  This is a checklist for writing your paper.  You will be able to submit the final copy of your
                         essay up until the final Friday of your course.

               1.  Ideas and content
                   •  Do a thorough brainstorm.
                   •  Use clustering to create a mind map or web of ideas.
                   •  Attempt to answer the 5 W’s and address the 5 senses.
                   •  Find all your quotes ahead of time and note where you got them from.
               2.  Organization
                   •  Create an exceptional introductory statement to “hook” your reader.
                   •  Choose an order by using an outline and stick with it!  (Chronological or logical order)
                   •  Link Ideas together with transitions if needed.   (at the beginning of a paragraph)
                   •  Every time you write a sentence ask yourself, “What does this have to do with the main point I am
                       trying to make here?”
                   •  Create a strong conclusion by
                          o  asking an interesting or probing question.
                          o  demonstrating new insight.   (show that you’ve learned something)
                          o  leaving the reader with a startling image, surprise, or emotional appeal.
               3.  Voice
                   •  Let your personality come through – use some words you really love.
                   •  Know your audience and ask yourself, “How do I want my readers to feel?”
                   •  Match your tone/word choice to your purpose.
                   •  Use strong verbs and precise nouns.
                   •  Know your topic and develop a passion for it.
               4.  Conventions
                   •  Read from the bottom to edit.
                   •  Double-space drafts to see errors more easily and to leave room for corrections.
                   •  Check one item at a time.
                          o  spelling, particularly for homophones
                          o  punctuation
                          o  subject-verb agreement
                          o  fragments, run-ons, comma splices
                          o  capitalization
                          o  paragraphing

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