Page 108 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 108
15.4 Let’s Practice…
1. What is a tic?
2. What is a prayer tic?
3. What method of delivery of a sermon is probably the LEAST effective means?
4. What percentage of your sermon would a person remember if he sees, hears, and has an illustration?
5. What can you do to return a 90% retention of your sermon?
6. How long can most adult people concentrate on your sermon?
7. Define an attention span:
8. True or False You have to deliver your message to the people within the limited time of their
ability to concentrate on what you are saying.
9. Explain a way to reset an attention span:
10. Why should you consider using audio-visual aids when preaching a sermon?
15.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: You have opportunity to personalize this lesson in many ways. Do you have any tics?
Prayer tics? Are you careful to preach or teach a sermon within the attention span of those
who are listening to you? Do you incorporate the use of audio-visual aids in your sermons?
We have given you a lot to think about in this lesson. What changes are you planning to make
next week as a result of what you have learned?