Page 109 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 109
Study Section 16: Becoming a Great Preacher
16.1 Connect
In describing the qualifications of a pastor, Paul shares with Timothy that a preacher must be
able to teach (2 Timothy 2:24). We all have people around us who need to understand how
to know Christ through salvation or how to walk with Him. Jesus Christ left us with a
command to TEACH and make disciples of ALL MEN…the nations. Preachers are teachers!
They either teach people how to better walk with God or how not to. We teach others in a
multiple of ways. We teach by what we say. We teach by the way we live. We teach in the
way we respond to life. Everyone is teaching someone else.
There are hundreds of verses in the Bible about teaching. In fact, there are over 200 verses that directly
or indirectly describe the duty or the results of teaching. The children of Israel were commanded to
teach their children throughout the day and night to walk in the ways of the Lord (Deut. 11). Some
generations did this effectively, and the next generation obeyed God. But some neglected the duty to
teach, and as a result, whole generations would turn from God to idols. One king was godly, but his son
was wicked. Why? He may have been so busy running the country that he did not teach his son God’s
ways. Perhaps his son rejected the teachings of his father. We really don’t know. But we do know that
Scripture makes it VERY clear that is our duty to teach and train our children to walk with God, with the
promise, that as they mature, they will not turn from it (Prov. 22:6).
Since we are all teachers in one way or another, should we not consider how to be the very best
teachers for the glory of God?
16.2 Objectives
1. The student should be able to take what has been taught and apply it to creating a couple of
sermons based on assigned passages.
16.3 Preachers are called to teach.
Preaching and teaching are someone synonymous terms. Preaching involves teaching and visa
versa. If you are called to preach, you are called to teach. So first and foremost, understand
that preaching and teaching is a special calling from God. The ordination of a preachers is a
recognition of a body of believers that a man is called to preach God’s Word, that he knows and
understands His Word as a learner, and that He is willing to assume the responsibilities of
sharing Christ from God’s Word to others.