Page 14 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 14

Thus, expository preaching endeavors to discover and convey the precise meaning of the Word.
               Scripture rules over what the expositors preach because they unfold what it says. The meaning of
               the passage is the message of the sermon.

               You are enabling your people to understand God’s Word. You are preaching all of God’s Word to
               your people. You preach the hard texts.  You avoid preaching only your favorite subjects. You
               preach doctrine in the context in which it was given. You will never lack preaching material.

               Expository preaching agrees with the examples found in the Scriptures, finds its authority in God, and
               proves to be very advantageous. Of all the different types of sermons, those that are expository in
               nature do the most justice to God’s Word.

                                   Why is Expository Preaching so Important?

               2.4 Let’s Practice…

                      1.  Give a least two examples in the Bible where a Biblical character expounded an Old
                      Testament passage in order to teach others.

                      2.  When preaching, from whom does your authority come?

               3 – 6.  List at least four of the six advantages of full-counsel preaching:

               7.  True or False    One of the problems expository preaching attempts to overcome is that quite often,
               preachers will share their own ideas about a topic rather than God’s.

               16  Chapell, 23.
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