Page 54 - Homiletics I Student Textbook
P. 54

The Importance of Illustrations in Sermons


                   We cannot apply the Bible without knowing what it means, but we can know the Bible without
                   applying it. We can investigate context, analyze words, and even memorize chapters, but unless
                   we act on what we know, we do not truly grasp that Word. Knowledge by itself is not enough; it
                   should lead to action.

               In Step 1 of the three-step process for studying the Bible, the task of the student is to practice good skills
               of observation. This step answers the question, “What do I see?” Once he has carefully listed everything
               he sees in the text, his next task is to better understand that which he has seen. This is Step 2 of the
               three-step process for studying the Bible – that of interpretation. This step answers the question, “What
               does this mean?” The final step of the three-step process for studying the Bible is application. This step
               answers the question, “How does this work?” This final step is the subject of this session.

               The Interpretative Journey Revisited

               Grasping the Text in Their Town

                       This is the end result of the Steps 1 and 2 of the three-step process for studying the Bible. By
                       working through the six steps of the exegetical method in particular, the student should
                       have an accurate understanding of the text and be able to state the meaning that was
                       placed there by the original author in summary form, even as a single statement with both a
                       subject and a complement.

               59  J. Scott Duvall & J. Daniel Hays, Grasping God’s Word, 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005), 213.
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