Page 13 - TMS ART
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Masterworks of the Collection
1. The SIMOON, the hot blowing wind of the desert (Egypt), by Ludwig Hans FISHER, 29. The Charming DANCERS, by Fabio FABBI, Italian, (1861-1946)
Austrian, (1848-1915) 30. The Shoes of The FAITHFUL, by Charles ROBERTSON, English, (1844-1891)
2. The TEMPLE of ABU SIMBEL, by Carl WERNER, German, (1808-1894) 31. Turkish Merchants in VENICE, by Felix ZIEM, French, (1821-1911)
3. The PELT SELLER or Le Marchand de Peaux, by Jean Léon GÉROME, French, (1824-1904) 32. Young Children at the Fire-place, by Max RABES, German, (1868-1944)
4. In The Land of The CEDARS (Lebanon), by Edwin Lord WEEKS, American, (1849-1903) 33. At the entrance of The Tavern, by Theodor RALLI, Greek, (1852- 1909)
5. The Rest of The SULTAN, by Antonio FABRES y COSTA, Spanish, (1855-1938) 34. The Water CARRIER, by Prosper MERILHAT, French, (1811-1847)
6. The Traders at the Gates of Jerusalem, by Edwin Lord WEEKS, American, (1849-1903) 35. A Patio in JERUSALEM, by Herman D. S. CORRODI, Italian, (1844-1905)
7. The Noble Lady visiting an ANTIQUE Shop, La Noble Chez l’Antiquaire, by Georges 36. Fellah Women on the edge of The NILE, by Léon BONNAT, French, (1833-1922)
CLAIRIN, French, (1843-1919) 37. The Harem DANCERS, by Ignacio Léon y ESCOSURA, Spanish, (1834-1901)
8. The SACK of The CARAVAN, by Franz Theodor AERNI, Austrian, (1853-1918) 38. At the Door of The OMAYAD Mosque in DAMASCUS, by Gustav BAUERNFEIND,
9. The Esplanade of AL-AQSA Mosque in Jerusalem, by Herman D.S.CORRODI, Italian, German, (1848-1904)
(1844-1905) 39. Fellah Women on the Edge of the NILE, by François BARRY, French, (1813-1905)
10. The Prayer Time at The MOSQUE of TOLEDO - Spain, by Clement PUJOL de 40. Hunting the DEER, by Georges WASHINGTON, French, (1827-1910)
GUSTAVINO, Spanish, (1859-1905) 41. Sunset on the OASIS (Egypt), by Otto PILNY Austrian, (1866-1936)
11. The Story TELLER, by Wilhelm GENTZ, German, (1822-1890) 42. The CARPET SELLER, by Julio ROSATTI, Italian, (1853-1917)
12. The Snake CHARMER, by Ettore SIMONETTI, Italian, (1857-1909) 43. The FANTASIA or The Charge of the Cavalry, by Julio ROSATTI, Italian, (1853-1917)
13. The Water MELON SELLER, by Charles VERLAT, Belgian, (1824-1890) 44. The Arms Dealer, by Julio ROSATTI, Italian, (1853-1917)
14. Troops and Slaves Parading at The City Gates of AL HAMBRA (GRANADA-Spain), by 45. The Story Teller, by Julius Gaspard STARCK, Belgian, (1814-1899)
Joaquin SOROLLA y BASTIDA, Spanish, (1863-1923) 46. A Still Life, by Alfred STEVENS, Belgian, (1823-1906)
15. The RAPT, by Henri F.E.PHILIPPOTEAUX, French, (1815-1884), and Horace VERNET, 47. Portrait of an Arab, (Berbère), by Luis ANGLADA PINTO, Spanish, (1873-1946)
French, (1848-1904) 48. Sailing at Sunset on the NILE, by Edwin Lord WEEKS, American, (1849-1903)
16. The Afternoon REST, by Emile CLAUS, Belgian, (1849-1924) 49. The SENTINEL, by François M.T.LYBAERT, Belgian, (1848-1927)
17. The SHOEMAKER, by Alphons Leopold MIELICH, Austrian, (1863-1929) 50. The Story TELLER, by Fabio FABBI, Italian, (1861-1946)
18. The WOMAN with a VEIL or La Femme Voilée, by Jean Léon GÉROME, French, (1824-1904) 51. Fellah Woman taking WATER, by Leopold BARA, Austrian, (1846-1911)
19. The Rest of the TAMBOURIN, by Emile CLAUS, Belgian, (1849-1924) 52. Arab WARRIOR fighting the French Occupiers, by Philibert Girault de PRANGEY,
20. At The Entrance of JERUSALEM, by Herman D.S.CORRODI, Italian, (1844-1905) French, (1804-1892)
21. Arab WARRIOR by the Oasis, by Philibert Girault de PRANGEY, French, (1804-1892) 53. The Gate of Bab-el-Zuwayla in Cairo-Egypt, by Edwin Lord WEEKS, American, (1849-1903)
22. Preparing the Bride, by Jules VAN BISBROEK, Belgian, (1873-1965) 54. Entrance of the Palace of Amber, by Edwin Lord WEEKS, American, (1849-1903)
23. The Painter Ernest DUMAX in ARAB DRESS, by Jean Baptiste Camille COROT, French, 55. Bathing Ghats at Benares, by Edwin Lord WEEKS, American, (1849-1903)
(1796-1875) 56. Choosing The Favorite, by Fabio FABBI, Italian, (1861-1946)
24. Buying The BABOUCHE, by Amadeo SIMONETTI, Italian, (1874-1922) 57. North African Parade, by Felix Joseph BOUCHOR, French, (1853-1937)
25. The Coffee MAKER, by Ludwig DEUTSCH, Austrian, (1855-1930) 58. Choosing The Favorite, by Fabio FABBI, French, (1861-1946)
26. The MARABOUT (SACRED) LION, Algiers, by Eugène PAVY, French, (1850-1905) 59. Feeding the Pigeon, by Josef TURBA, Austrian, (1750-1830)
27. The Market PLACE, by Charles ROBERTSON, English, (1844-1891) 60. The Harem Dancer, by Edward Frederic Wilhelm RICHTER, French, (1844-1913)
28. The Snake DRESSER, by Eugène PAVY, French, (1850-1905)