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The Collection

               This is undeniably the best and broadest  encounter  ancient  ruins;  elsewhere  we  sense,  but  also  his  own  personal
                 collection of orientalist art in the world.  experience  the  hardship  of  the  desert.  experience at the confluence of East and
                 After  being  exhibited  during  the  19th  There are various scenes of daily life, but  West  over  40  years.  This  select  group
                century at The Royal Academy of Arts in  also  moments  of  quiet  reflection.  They  displays  a  concentrated  focus  on  the
          London,  and  The  Exposition  Universelle  illustrate historic sites of the Middle East,  unsurpassed quality of the artists active
             of  Paris,  a  great  part  of  this  collection  and North Africa: sites which are the birth  in this genre and offers a comprehensive
                     of  masterpieces  of  orientalist  paintings  of  humanity,  civilizations,  and  religions.  insight  into  many  aspects  of  life  in  the
          were consistently in the most prestigious  These  famous  European  painters  of  the  Middle East during the 19th century.
        European  Museums  alongside  paintings  19th century accompanied their political
                from  the  Louvre  Museum,  the  Musée  leaders  to  discover  this  ‘’Exotic  Orient,”  This Collection which received great honor
                d’Orsay,  the  Metropolitan  Museum  of  from Napoleon III who traveled to Egypt  and  recognition  was  the  basis  for  the
                 New  York,  The  Musée  Royal  des  Beaux  in 1865 to visit the Suez Canal, to Kaiser  many  exhibitions  held  in  great  museums
            Arts de Bruxelles, the London Tate Britain  Wilhelm  II  of  Germany  who  traveled  to  throughout of Europe. Along with the best
                and  the  Prado  Museum  of  Madrid  to  Palestine in 1872.  selection of orientalist paintings from the
              name  a  few.    The  Collection  reflects          top  European  museums,  this  Collection’s
                   the interests of the owner in a dialogue  The  Collection  is  full  of  the  greatest  most recent Exhibition took place in 2010-
         between   cultures,   in   celebrating  individual masterpieces of orientalist art  2011 in Brussels-Belgium, Munich-Germany,
              traditions and scenes that in many cases  and  is  considered  a  perfectly  balanced  and  Marseille-France.    The  Exhibition
          have disappeared forever. Reviewing the  ensemble  of  oil  paintings,  watercolors  received generous critiques in the press in
                  collection,  one  is  carried  from  Turkey  and  a  statue  that  have  a  unique  and  various languages with illustrations in many
           to  Damascus  and  Jerusalem,  and  from  subtle stylistic coherence.  Acquired over  magazines, newspapers, and publications
               Cairo  to  Morocco,  visiting  bustling  the  years  with  great  discernment,  they  and was named “The Greatest Orientalist
              markets,  and  rich  interiors.  At  Cairo  we  reflect not only the collector’s aesthetic  Collection in The World.”
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