Page 6 - TMS ART
P. 6


                                                                  This Collection contains images painted                           in  relation  to  culture,  the  arts,  political        scenes of the pre/Islamic world like ancient
                                                                  by European and American artists who                              freedoms,  philosophy,  religious  beliefs,              Egypt, and depictions of other religions.
                                                                  traveled  to  North  Africa,  the  Middle                         the healing arts, and government.
                                                                  East  and  India  in  the  19th  century.                                                                                  Orientalist paintings fill me with admiration,
                                                                  Known as “Orientalists,” the world they                           The  masterpieces  that  comprise  this                  the  sense  of  unknown,  a  mysterious
                                                                  portrayed  was  one  of  deserts,  camels,                        Collection  will  show  that  individual                 cryptic  quality  of  looking  at  something
                                                                  and  sandstones  cities.  The  images                             painters in the 19th century who traveling               entirely foreign, and seduce me just as it
                                                                  contained  within  have  been  compiled                           alone,    accompanying        their    political         did  to  so  many  during  the  19th  century.
                                                                  to  fulfill  two  main  purposes:  to  show                       leaders,  or  traveled  with  fellow  artists            Orientalist  paintings  rejuvenated  my
                                                                  the  immense  talent  of  the  artists  and                       somewhere  in  the  Orient.    They  would               interest in art history, and no other genre
                                                                  the  great  beauty  and  wonder  of  the                          arrive upon a street or a landscape, and                 of art was ever so strong a call to make
                                                                  places they painted. In some cases the                            despite the political machinery in motion                me  refuse  to  surrender  to  complacency
                                                                  artists  were  so  amazed  by  what  they                         all around, they would put paintbrush to                 than  this  Orientalist  paintings  produced
                                                                  saw  that  they  abandoned  virtually  all                        canvas and create something that showed                  by European and American painters who
                                                                  other subject matters for the remainder                           how much admiration and simple human                     worked  in  the  Middle  East  in  the  19th
                                                                  of their careers. ‘’Orientalism’’ is a very                       fascination can exist between Orient and                 century,  from  Turkey,  Syria,  Lebanon,
                                                                  weighty word. Its elusive, complex past,                          Occident,  Christians  and  Muslims,  Islam              Palestine, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco,
                                                                  when  explored  in  detail,  can  reveal                          and the west. Harmful events today in this               Persia, and India. All these countries are as
                                                                  to  a  reader  a  complicated  history  of                        world have no right to distort the past.                 diverse  from  one  another  in  culture  and
                                                                  East  and  West.  What  is  ‘’Oriental’’  or                                                                               customs as any country could be. However,
                                                                  ‘’Occidental’’, where the boundaries lay,                         In browsing through this Collection, we will             one of the things they do have in common
                                                                  and what the actual differences are, has                          see the great diversity in subject matter from           is the uniformity of appeal that may hold
                                                                  changed  repeatedly  up  to  the  present                         historical periods and geographical regions.             for the outsider. It was this appeal of the
                                                                  day.    Throughout  history,  definitions                         A vast majority of the paintings depict the              Orient,  exotic  destination,  this  aesthetic
                                                                  have been drawn between East and West                             Arab Muslim world of the 19th century, and               that attracted so many painters.
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