Page 23 - TMS Art Collection
P. 23

Minuta di una relazione
                                                                                          di Leonardo al Senato Veneto,
                                                                                          c. 1499, Codice Atlantico,
                                                                                          f. 234v-c [638iv v]
                                                                                          Draft of Leonardo’s report
                                                                                          to the Venetian Senate,
                                                                                          c. 1499, Codex Atlanticus,
                                                                                          f. 234v-c [638iv v]

                                                                                          The model was no longer
                                                                                          needed  and  perhaps  be-
                                                                                          cause it was abandoned in
                                                                                          the  outskirts  of  the  city,
                                                                                          where  the  foundry  was
                                                                                          presumably  located,  it
                                                                                          was an easy target for the
                                                                                          Gascon  cross-bow  men
                                                                                          who destroyed it for fun
                                                                                          as  they  entered  the  city
                                                                                          in  1499.  It  may  well  be
                                                                                          that the mould had been
                                                                                          brought  to  a  foundry
                                                                                          near Porta Vercellina, on
                                                                                          the  outskirts  of  the  city,
                                                                                          where the French troops
                                                                                          entered,  near  the  vine-
                 vigna che Ludovico Sforza avrebbe regalato a Leonardo   yard that Ludovico Sforza had given Leonardo in 1498.
                 nel 1498. È certo comunque che il duca di Ferrara sape-  It is however certain that the Duke of Ferrara knew that
                 va bene che la forma del cavallo esisteva ancora, sebbene   the  mould  of  the  horse  still  existed,  although  unused
                 inutilizzata e trascurata. Particolare, questo, sul quale Leo-  and neglected. This was a particular to which Leonardo
                 nardo stesso avrebbe potuto richiamare la sua attenzione.   himself might have drawn his attention. Unfortunately,
                 Purtroppo l’iniziativa ebbe esito negativo.      the initiative was unsuccessful.

                 Il ritorno a Firenze                             The return to Florence

                 UN DEPOSITO di 50 fiorini d’oro effettuato da Leonar-  A DEPOSIT of 50 gold florins made by Leonardo in his
                 do sul suo conto presso lo Spedale di S. Maria Nuova sta   account at the Spedale of Santa Maria Nuova indicates that
                 a indicare che il 24 aprile 1500 era già a Firenze. Per tutto   by April 24, 1500 he was already in Florence. For the whole
                 il 1500, e fino al tempo del suo trasferimento in Romagna   of the year 1500, and up until the time of his move to Ro-


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