Page 16 - PROSPECTUS MLB College
P. 16


               The  college  gives  a  number  of  Awards  and  Prizes  to  meritorious  students
               every year.

                     President Dr Shankar  Dayal  Sharma Gold Medal for all round performance at  U.G level
                     Chief Minister Gold Medal for all round performance at P.G. Level

                     Pracharya Padak - Gold and Silver Medals for toppers at UG and P.G levels

                     Mrs Usha Jain Award for faculty topper at UG level (faculty-wise rotation)
                     Smt Dr DP Singh Award for topper at UG level (Arts)

                     NP Singh Memorial Meritorious Awards for first three toppers among all faculties (UG

                     Dr Amal Maharaj Singh Prize for P.G toppers in Zoology

                     Bhavna Pralay Prize - topper of  B.A Second year in Sanskrit Subject

                   A number of other awards and prizes are also given to students excelling in

                                            Sports, NCC and NSS activities

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