Page 17 - PROSPECTUS MLB College
P. 17


               Nature Club

               Nature Club sensitizes students towards environment protection through regular plantation and
               other green activities like eco friendly workshops, environmental wall magazine, poster slogan
               competition,  short  films  show  on  themes  like  disaster  and  global  warming,  celebration  of
               National Science Day, utilization and conservation of medicinal plants and many more. The Club
               appoints student ‘eco ambassadors’ to create awareness among students.

               Rotaract Club

               The  Rotaract  Club  of  MLB  College  is  guided  by  the  ideals  of  Rotary  International  and  is
               supported by Rotary Club Bhopal Central. The Club conducts activities that help to increase the
               reach  of  the  students  to  community  and  the  issues  that  impact  the  social,  economic  and
               educational  lives  of  people  in  the  neighbourhood  and  society  at  large.  The  Club  aims  at
               familiarizing its members with the ground reality and need for change and improvement outside
               the four walls of the education institution.

               Enabling Unit

               The college strives to create an inclusive environment for its students with physical disabilities
               and slow learners and create opportunities for them to participate, learn and grow. The Enabling
               Unit of the college facilitates such students in their studies by providing them self learning study
               material and supports them to become independent. This approach has helped such students to be
               an asset to the institution.

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