Page 22 - PROSPECTUS MLB College
P. 22
Best practices like experiential learning, using modern technology in pedagogy, inviting
experts from specialised fields, industrial visits, etc. help students to stimulate their thinking
process and develop professional skills.
A sense of social responsibility among students is cultivated by motivating them for
community service, helping their weak peers by recording teaching material for them, and
other academic and career support to other slow learners. Students are encouraged to work
for organizations and NGOs like SOS village, Dharohar( NGO for heritage conservation and
management), National Archives, Bhopal Cancer Hospital etc.
To inculcate sensitivity and responsibility towards environment in students and to make the
campus eco-friendly, the college maintains a well laid out garden and organizes regular tree
plantation activities in the campus.
The college has solar energy plant as initiative for energy conservation and use of renewable
“UDAAN” – In house special coaching classes for hostel students and Day Scholars.
Short term skill development programs for students for better employability
“B-Voc” course and other short term courses in various disciplines
Up gradation of ICT facility including Smart Class Rooms
Barrier free access for persons with disabilities
New Administrative Block
Up gradation of Science and Home Science labs
History Museum
Up gradation of indoor and outdoor sports facilities
· Lifts in old and new buildings