P. 42

Fred  Fulton  Vance,  the  son  of  the  late  Sam  F.
           Vance, Sr. and Sallie Fulton Vance, was born in Winston-
           Salem  February  28,  1909.  Fred,  his  parents,  and  an
          older  brother  moved  to  Kernersville  in  1921.  Fred,  a
          graduate  of  Kernersville  High  School,  attended  Mora-
          vian  College  in  Bethlehem,  Pennsylavania  and  Guilford
          College.  On May 24,  1936 Fred and Miss Ilah Lee Albert
          were  united  in  marriage  in  the  Kernersville  Moravian
          Church.  They have  two  daughters.  All  are members  of
          the  Kernersville  Moravian  Church,  where  Fred  has
          served  as  member  and  chairman  of  the  Board  of  Trus-
          tees  and  as  chairman  of  the  building  committee  when
         the  Christian  Education  Building  was  erected  in  1952.
               On  May  3,  1949  Fred  was  elected  mayor  of  Ker-
         nersville  and served one  term.  During his  term  of office                            Dedication  Kernersville  Town  Hall - April  25,  1966
         a  housing  development  was  begun  which  necessitated
         the  installation  of  lights,  water,  sewer  and  the  hard
         surfacing  of  these  streets.                                                    John  Randolph  Flynt,  Sr.  served  as  mayor  of  Ker-
                                                                                      nersville 1951-1953.  He was educated in the local schools
              Mr.  Vance  is  a  Past  Master of the  Kernersville  Ma-
                                                                                      and  at  Moravian  College,  Bethlehem,  Pennsylvania.  In
         sonic  Lodge  and  a  Past  District  Deputy  Grand  Master
                                                                                      1942 he entered the Armed Services and served in World
         in  North  Carolina,  a  Past  President  of  the  Kernersville
                                                                                      vVar  II  until  1946.  He  was  an  active  member  of  the
         Lions  Club  and  a  former  District  Cabinet  Secretary.
                                                                                      Moravian  Church,  member  and  president  of  the  Lions
         Fred  is  co-owner  of  the  Vance-Ballard  Coal  Com-
                                                                                      Club,  and  instrumental  in  beginning  a  YMCA  program
         pany,  which  has  served  the  residents  of the  Kernersville
         area  since  1937.                                                           in  Kernersville.  During  his  term  as  mayor  construction
                                                                                      of a  new dam and reservoir was  begun which  covered  a
                                                                                      50-acre  area  on  Old  Valley  School  Road.  For  the  first
                                                                                      time a  street naming and house numbering program was
                                                                                      begun  which  resulted  in  house  to  house  mail  service.
                                                                                      At the time of his  death, he was Senior Vice-President of
                                                                                      Piedmont  Federal  Savings  and  Loan  Association.
                                                                                           William Herman Morton served two terms  as  mayor
                                                                                      1953-55  and  1960-61.  He  was  educated  in  Kernersville
                                                                                      schools,  attended  Trinity  College  and  graduated  from
                                                      Fred  F.  Vance-
                                                         1,949-1951                   Oak  Ridge  Military  Institute.  He  was  acting  Postmas-
                                                                                      ter  of  Kernersville  from  1943-1945  and  later  became  as-
                                                                                      sociated  with  the  Greensboro  tobacco  market  and  the
                                                                                      N.  C.  Department of  Motor Vehicles.  He  also  served  as
                                                                                      Sanitation Division  Inspector for  the Forsyth Health  De-
                                                                                     partment.  He  was  a  member  of  Main  Street  Methodist
                                                                                           Donald E.  Dunlap,  who  served  as  mayor 1955-1957,
                                                                                     is  a  native  of  Winnsboro,  S.  C.  After  graduation  from
                                                                                     high  school,  he  completed  a  course  in  business  admini-
                                                                                     stration,  accounting,  and  telegraphy.  He  is  at  present
                 John  R.  Flynt  being sworn  in  as  mayor by  Phin  Ragland  1951
                                                                                     Agent  at  the  Kernersville  Railway  Station  and  has  been
                                                                                     an  employee  of  the  Southern  Railway  for  ~fty-three
                                                                                     years.  He  has  served  the  town  faithfully  and  well  as  a
                                                                                     member of the Board of Aldermen  for  fifteen  years.  He
                                                                                     is  a  member  of  the  Presbyterian  Church.
                                                                                           Edgar  Eugene  Shore  was  mayor  of  Kernersville
                                                                                     from  1957-1959.  He  was  educated  in  the  Kernersville
                                                                                     schools and graduated from Trinity College.  For thirteen

                                                                                     years  he was  with  the  Internal  Revenue  Service  in  Win-
                                                                                     ston-Salem.  The  remainder  of  his  life  he  operated  the
                                                                                     Homemade  Rug  Company  in  Kernersville.  He  was  a
                                                                                     life-long  member  of  the  Moravian  Church  where  he
                                                                                     served  as  treasurer  for  forty  years.  He  was  a  Mason,  a
                                                                                     member  of  the  Lions  Club  and  of  the  Junior  Order.

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