P. 37

Kernersville  Wesleyan  Church,  formerly  Kernersville  Pilgrim  Church      This  is  a  scene  of  the  West  side  of  North  Main  Street,  showing
                                 East  Mountain  St.                                  the  homes  of  Augustus  H.  Beard,  Dr.  J.  T.  Justice  and  the  Guyer  home.
                                       1906                                           The  site  of  the  Beard  home  is  where  Christinia  (Kastner)  Kerner,  widow  of
                                                                                      Joseph  of  Kernersville,  moved  after  the  death  of  her  husband  in  1830.

              In  1968  the  Pilgrim  Holiness  Church  and  the  Wes-
        leyan  Methodist  Church  merged  into  the  Wesleyan
        Church.  Since  the  time  of  merger,  the  local  church  is
        known  as  the  Kernersville  W esl£yan  Church.
              The  Main  Street  Baptist Church  (formerly Oakhurst
        Baptist  Church)  was  relocated  on  North  Main  Street  in
        the heart of Kernersville in 1960.  The building was  pur-
        chased  from  the  First  Baptist  Church.  The  church
        moved from  Oakhurst Street in October of that year and
        changed  the  name  to  Main  Street  Baptist  Church .. The
        old  Oakhurst  Church  building  was  sold  to  the  Presby-
        terian  Church.  The  Rev.  V.  Manly  Bennett  became  the
        pastor  in  March  1960.  The  property  was  purchased  by
        the sale of church bonds and contributions from the Bap-
        tist  State  Convention  of  N.  C.  and  the  Pilot  Mountain
        Baptist  Association.
             In  1962  to  fulfill  a  vital  need  of  working  parents                 This  is  the  home  of  N.  W.  Sapp  on  South  Main  Street  (photographed
        with  preschool  children  the  church  developed  a  unique                 in  1937)  known  as  "The  Dr.  Paddison  House"  after  being  remodeled  by
                                                                                     Dr.  and  Mrs.  J.  R.  Paddison.  This  home  was  the  birth  place  of  Mrs.  Zora
        ministry  through  a  Day  Care  Center.  Believing  that                    Sapp  Paddison.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Paddison  lived  here  until  their  deaths.
        meeting the needs of the individual is  an integral part of
        Christ's  mission  for  the  church,  the  Day  Care  extends  a
        ministry  not  only  to  children  but  to  parents  and  their
        needs.                                                                                                   Main  Street  Baptist  Church
             In  1966  the first  grade  was  added  thus  establishing                                              North  Main  Street
                                                                                                                       October  1960
        the town's first  private Christian  elementary school.  Un-
        der the  direction  of  Mrs.  Vivian  Bennett the  school  has
        been serving the community and surrounding areas  with
        a  program  of  day  care,  kindergarten,  play-school,  sum-
        mer program, elementary grades, before and after school
        care.  The purpose of the school is  to  expand services  of
        the  church  into  the  community  by  providing  evangel-
        istic  and  educational opportunities  for  children  to  grow
        and develop physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.
             There  are  four  other  church  groups  which  should
        be  mentioned:  the  Church  of  God  and  Peopl,e' s  Baptist
        Church on Salisbury Street, the  Paddison  Street  Mission,
        and  Nance's  Mission  on the  Old  Greensboro  Road.
             From  the  number  and  variety  of  churches  which
        have  grown up in  our midst,  it is  obvious  that from  the
        very  beginning  this  town  has  had  a  goodly  number  of
        God-fearing  citizens.  May  each  of  us  be  truly  grateful
        for  our  rich  spiritual  heritage.
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