P. 34

After  the  tent  meeting,  the  services  were  held  at
                                                                                       the  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dan Peoples.  At  the  Annual
                                                                                       Conference, October, 1945, the Reverend J.  L.  Honeycutt
                                                                                       was  assigned  as  pastor.  January,  1946,  land  was  pur-
                                                                                       chased  on  which  to  build  a  church.  In  May,  1946,  the
                                                                                       contract  to  build  was  awarded  Mr.  C.  L.  Brown.
                                                                                             Ministers  who  have  served  the  congregation  faith-
                                                                                       fully  include  the  Reverends  R.  L.  Bullock,  R.  L.  Lang-
                                                                                       ley, J.  H.  Rodgers,  0. C.  Oliver,  R.  A.  McDowell, W.  H.
                                                                                       Haugh,  Jimmy  Stephens  and  Albert  Mills.  The  present
                                                                                       pastor  is  the  Reverend  J.  R.  Mayhue.  During  his  pas-
                                                                                       torate,  a  new  parsonage  has  been  completed.
                                                                                            The present board of deacons  is  made up of Hubert
                                                                                       McGee,  Williard  Watson,  and  deaconess  Mrs.  Annie

                           Kernersville  Pentecostal  Holiness  Church                 Ingram  Calhoun.  Stewart  Isom  is  Secretary  and  Treas-
                                      Dobson  Street
                                     August  2,  1945                                  urer and Arnold Knight is  Superintendent of the Sunday
                                                                                            In  1960  the  Winston-Salem  Presbytery  appointed  a
          more  spacious  quarters  of  a  new  church  on  the  corner                commission to organize a Presbyterian Church in Kerners-
          of West Mountain and Vernon Streets. The present mem-                        ville.  The  Reverend  John  R.  Smith  was  chairman  of the
          bership  is  151  and  there  is  need  to  expand  again.                   commission  and the  Reverend  Ralph  L.  Underwood  and
               The  church  supports  the  world  work  of  Seventh-                   Elder William E.  East were members of the commission.
          day  Adventist  by  sending  away  75  per  cent  of  its  in-

          come,  calling  on  friends  annually  for  their  support;  and
          the  educating  and  sending  forth  of  their  young  people
          to  preach the Gospel in  all  the world.  Among  these  are

          Joe  Crews, former  missionary  to  India  and now a  Radio
          Evangelist;  Joseph  Slate,  a  missionary  to  Africa  for  28
         years,  whose  two  sons  are  fine  Christian  doctors;  Joe
         Young,  now  deceased,  who  was  a  d  dicated  minister  of
          the  Gospel  here  in  the  States;  and  numerous  medical
          and publishing  personnel workers.  The  present minister
          is Pastor D:  R.  Peterson.
               On  Sunday  night  August  2,  1945,  the  Reverend
         C.  D.  Burchell  met  under  the  Reverenq  H  nry  Reese's
         tent for the purpose of organizing a  Pentecostal Holiness
         Church.  There  were  eight  charter  members  including
         J.  A.  Wilson,  A.  E.  Meadows  and  L.  A.  Loggins.  Mrs.
         Glena  Wilson  was  appointed  secretary  and  treasurer.

                                                                                                            Home  on  West  Mountain  Street  was  built  by  Mr.
              The  home  of  Mrs.  Ora  Smith  on  Salisbury  Street,  over  100  years  old,             and  Mrs.  R.  E.  Steele  in  late  1880's.  Was  bought  by
         was  built  by  Mr.  and  Mrs.  I.  H.  McKaughan.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  McKaughan                    Mr.  and  Mrs.  Will  Cooke  in  1911.  The  house  was
         moved  into  Kernersville  from  the  country  and  lived  in  the  present  home                occupied  by  members  of  the  Cooke  family  for  57
         of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sam  F.  Vance,  Jr.,  until  this  house  was  completed.  The              years.
         brick  was  made  from  the  dirt  dug  for  the  basement.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Mc-
         Kaughan  lived  here  until  their  deaths.  In  the  1930's  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ora  Smith
         and  family  moved  into  the  house.  Mrs.  Smith,  82  years  of  age,  resides  here   This  is  the  home  of  Mrs.  E.  P.  Whitaker  on  North  Cherry  Street.
         now.                                                                          The  house  was  built  around  1880  by  Mr.  L.  F.  Davis  who  was  an  early
                                                                                       merchant  and  hosiery  mill  owner  in  Kernersville.  Mr.  Davis  lived  here  until
                                                                                       his  death.  In  the  spring  of  1943,  Mrs.  E.  P.  Whitaker,  after  the  death  of
                                                                                       her  husband  remodeled  the  house  and  moved  into  it.  Mrs.  Whitaker,  the
                                                                                       granddaughter of Mr.  Davis,  resides  here  now.

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