P. 31

The  lot  for  the  present  location  of  the  church  on
        Nelson  Street  was  purchased  in  1930.  The  trustees  at
        that time  were M.  C.  Johnson,  Samuel  Brooks,  and John
        H.  Chambers-.  The  church  building  debt  was  paid  off
        August  29,  1947.
             There  is  no  record  as  to  what  year  the  church  ac-
        quired  its  present  name  of  Providence  Baptist  Church.
        Ernest  E.  Smith  is  secretary  at  the  present  time.
             A  third  Negro  church,  the  Primitive  Baptist, with  a
        considerably  smaller  but  very  dedicated  membership
        was  organized  in  the  early  1900's.  In  1909,  the  present
        church building was  actually constructed by three of the
        church  leaders,  Bud  Fulton,  Lindsay  Wilson  and  Jim
        Matthews.  While  the  membership  of  this  church  has
                                                                                         Home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Tom  C.  McCuiston.  Built  around  1908  on
        steadily  d  dined  through  the  years,  it  remains  alive                 North  Main  Street.  House  has  been  torn  down.  Many  descendants  live  in
                                                                                     and  around  Kernersville.
        today  through  the  religious  tenacity  of  a  few  of  its
             A  small  group  of  courageous  and  dedicated  Chris-
       tians,  seven  women  and  three  men,  met  on  Saturday
                                                                                     meeting which was  the  beginning of Baptist work in  the
       afternoon, August 30,  1884, to  organize  the  First  Baptist
                                                                                     town.  Following  the  meeting,  the  Rev.  D.  C.  Culbreth
       Church of Kernersville.  The Rev. E.  F. Baldwin held the
                                                                                     began  to  hold  regular  services  here.  The  charter  mem-
                                                                                     bers  were John  Hepler  and wife,  H.  P.  Moore  and wife,
                                                                                     Charles  Lipscomb,  Mrs.  Rebecca  Carter,  Mrs.  B.  A.
                                                                                     Brown,  Mrs.  Virginia  Stockton,  Mrs.  Lucy Kirk  and  Mrs.
                                                                                     Lacy Ann  Lemar.  The  ;Kernersville  Church  united  with
                                                                                     the  Pilot  Mountain  Association  in  1902.
                                                                                          In  1885  or  1886,  during  the  pastorate  of  Dr.  J.  N.
                                                                                     Stallings, this  small church  erected a  beautiful one  story
                                                                                     brick  building  on  the  corner  of  Cherry  and  Mountain
                                                                                     Streets.  By  1893  the  membership  had  grown  to  57.  On
                                                                                     August  28,  1893  a  tornado  struck  the  town  of  Kerners-
                                                                                     ville  and  completely  destroyed  the  Baptist  Church.  In
                                                                                     less  than  four  months  a  new  church  was  completed  on
                                                                                     the same site, this one of wood construction.
                                                                                          Several  of  the  older  members  of  the  congregation
                                                                                     can  remember  when,  shortly  after  the  turn  of  the  cen-
                                                                                     tury,  each  month  in  Kernersville,  the  Methodists  had
                                                                                     meetings  the  first  Sunday;  the  Baptists,  second  Sunday;
                                                                                     Methodist  Protestants,  third  Sunday;  and  Moravians,

                 First Baptist  Church,  Oakhurst  Street,  August  30,  1884

                                                                                         This  ~ouse  on  North  Main  Street  was  the  home  of  Dr.  and  Mrs.
                                                                                     J.  T.  Justice,  Sr.,  and  family.  The  house  was  built  in  1877  by  J,  C.
                                                                                     Roberts,.  but  has  been  known  for  many  years  as  "The  Dr.  Justice  House."
        Ground  breaking  for  First  Education  Building  of  First  Baptist  Church  1950.   U.p  u~hl  the  death  of  James  T.  Justice,  Jr.,  January  1971,  he  and  his
            Carr  Hastings,  Hugh  Justice,  Dr.  0 .  L.  Joyner,  Rev.  Clyde  Glosson,   wife  hved  here.  Mrs.  Justice  resides  in  the  house  now.
        H .  C.  Porter,  Charles  F.  Snow

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