P. 36

On  August  11,  1965,  Fountain  of  Life  Lutheran
        Church  was  organized  at  the  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.
        Charles  Gore,  110  Hastings  Drive,  with  seventeen  peo- ·
        ple  present.  Bi-weekly  meetings  began  for  the  purpose
        of  instruction  in  the  Lutheran-Chrisltian  Faith,  evan-
         gelism  training,  and  mission  planning.
              The  congregation  observed  its  official  beginning  at
        the  Sunday  morning  worship  service  on  November  7,
        1965.  This  service  was  held  in  the  Seventh-Day  Adven-
        tist Church on West Mountain Street.  One  hundred  and
        sixty  area  Lutherans  were  present  to  help  the  sixteen
        members of Fountain of Life Lutheran Church celebrate
         their  beginning  as  a  congregation.
              Services  were  held  in  the  Seventh-Day  Adventisl
         Church  through  June,  1968.  The  building  at  107  Clif-
         ton  St.,  leased  from  Mr.  Isaac  Roberts,  was  then  con-
                                                                                                              The  Catholic  Mission
         verted into  a Worship  Center.  This  building,  seating 45,                                          South  Main  Street
                                                                                                               September  9,  1969
         has  been  used  for  worship  until  the  present  time.

                                                                                           The  Reverend  Lawrence  Kelm  served  the  congre•
                                                                                      gation  until  August  24,  1969.  He  was  succeeded  on
                                                                                      January  11,  1970,  by  the  Reverend  Ted  Strelow.
                                                                                      By  the  end  of  1970  the  congregation  had  grown  to
                                                                                      64  members  and  began  plans  for  a  permanent  church
                                                                                      structure  which  will  be  erected  on  a  four  acre  lot  on
                                                                                      Interstate  40.
                                                                                           The  Catholic  Mission  in  Kernersville  is  a  Mission
                                                                                      of St.  Benedict the  Moor Church in Winston-Salem  and
                                                                                      Father W.  A.  Pharr is  pastor.  The  Mission  was  opened
                                                                                      September  9,  1969  in  what  used  to  be  the  Shouse  An-
                                                                                     tique  Shop  at  419  South  Main  St.
                                                                                           The  Mission  has  prospered  and  grown  beyond  ex-

                                                                                      pectations.  It  was  started  with  eleven  families  and  is
                                                                                     now  serving  twenty-six  families.  Sixty  children  are
                                                                                     enrolled  in  the  Sunday  School.  The  territory  of  The
                                                                                      Mission comprises Kernersville proper, Oak Ridge, Sedge
                                                                                     Garden,  Colfax,  and  Walkertown.
                                                                                           In  the  year  1906  a  Revival  was  conducted  in  Ker-
                                                                                     nersville  by the Reverend Will Allred  and the  Reverend
                           Fountain  of  Life  Lutheran  Church
                                   August  11,  1965                                 W. A.  Way. As  a result of this meeting a Pilgrim Holiness
                                                                                     Church  was  founded.  In 1928  this  work was  greatly  re-
                                                                                     vived and strengthened under the leadership of the  Rev.
                                                                                     Mrs.  Louella  Teague  Gallimore.  Mrs.  Gallimore  was
                                                                                     pastor  and  leader  of  the  church  for  many  years.  Other
                                                                                     early ministers were the Reverend and Mrs.  Carl L.  Bost
                                                                                     and  the  Reverend  and  Mrs.  M.  H.  Russell.
                                                                                          In  1946  this  church  was  designated  the  college
                                                                                     church,  and since then has  served Kernersville Wesleyan
                                                                                     College  along  with  the  local  congregation.  The  old
                                                                                     church became inadequate because of  growth in  attend-
                                                                                     ance,  therefore,  in  1952  definite  plans  were  made  to
                                                       This  long  low,  white       build  a  new  church.  On  May  31,  1953,  the  first  service
                                                     brick  and  fram e  house
                                                     (photographed in 1944) on       was  conducted  in  the  new  church  with  300  in  attend-
                                                     South   Main   Street   is
                                                     known  as  the  Leak  home.     ance.  More  recent  ministers  have  been  C.  A.  Brown,
                                                     It  was  once  a  combined
                                                     store  and  residence  in       Terry  Ragland,  Wray J.  Smith,  McCray  Holms,  Edward
                                                     Kernersville's  early  days.
                                                                                     Houston,  and  the  present  pastor  is  the  Rev.  Layton  L.
        The  house  is  one  of  Kernersville's  oldest  structures.  It  has  remained  in  the
        family  and  P.  J.   ash,  a  descendant,  resides  here  and  has  a  printing   Through  the  prayers  and  sacrifices  of  many  minis-
        company  in  the  store  end  of  the  house.  Mr.  Nash  edited  a  newspaper  for
        the  T own  of  Kernersville  in  1958  called  "The  People's  News".       ters,  church members,  and friends  we were  able  to  offer
                                                                                     this beautiful new church to our community, for the true
                                                                                     worship  of  Christ.
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